Hello, hello :-)

Hello there, I'm not much good with introductions. I have literally rewritten this text like 15 times already --- I'm not even joking lol! 16th time lucky?? God I suck at social things online and in person. Okay, we'll start with the diagnosis. I was diagnosed in my early teens, school was just dreadful! Best left forgotten. Got bullied and the teachers were really mean as well. I kept a list in my little journal of all the people I didn't like lmao and pretty much everyone at school was on it XD I've since been diagnosed with anxiety and depression, really struggling with those. They seem to latch on to the autism and I've found distractions don't work anymore. #nightmare ! Also got cancer but not going to talk about that because it's so crappy. I was working with the NHS for a bit before I got sick but that's on hold now. Hopefully get back to it at some point --- with the autism I struggle with social interaction, always have. When I do interact I have to mask to do it which is ok but exhausting for me. I also over analyse everything. Does anyone else do that? That is also exhausting. Feel like I could sleep a thousand years lol. I have big interest in history and magic, they are special interests of mine :-) and I'm here to sort of mix in and meet others who are like me. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

PS it took 18 goes in the end but finally done.

  • Hello there. I hope you find this place to be as useful as I do.

    Writing that first post is a big thing, so hats off to you for that. It took a few goes for me to do mine too.

    I agree with SparklingAutistic too, over-analysing is something I do all the while. So that makes a few of us at least!

    Welcome to the community.

  • Hello there. I hope you find this place to be as useful as I do.

    Writing that first post is a big thing, so hats off to you for that. It took a few goes for me to do mine too.

    I agree with SparklingAutistic too, over-analysing is something I do all the while. So that makes a few of us at least!

    Welcome to the community.

  • Hello! Thank you, I'm hoping I will. I found the Nas group ups to be very useful so I'm hoping the online community will be as well.

    It is quite daunting isn't it, writing that first post. A bit like introducing yourself to someone you don't really know for the first time. That's what it feels like for me.

    It's good to know we aren't alone with that :-) the people I know don't really over analyse so I wondered if it was just a me thing.
