Hello from Thailand, not formally diagnosed


I'm 34, male, engineer

I've only started to look into my mental health when my marriage is falling apart for only a few years back. My wife is American and we currently live in Thailand. Both me and her had abusive childhood in different ways and we started to impulsive act like our abusers when tension gets high.

I have not been formally diagnosed yet but my therapist and others who knew me for a long time confirmed certain traits and difficulties as there are hardly resources for adult autism, even doctors and psychiatrists said that it's impossible for a functioning adult to have autism. My therapist is a trauma specialist and he said his observations points out as high functioning autism.

I'm interested in improving emotional communication, becoming a good listener, and giver of emotional support.

Thank you,


  • Welcome. Just curious as to how autism is treated out there compared to the UK and weather it's more accepted and welcome. Not to mention an engineer seems like a pretty ideal job for someone who's Autistic due to puzzle solving. My problem would be understanding the maths for it though. 

  • Hello Pickled Rick, Simple Morty here. To answer your points:

    1. Hardly anyone is aware of high functioning adult autism, not even doctors or psychiatrists, only a select number of clinical psychologists do.

    I'm either seen as socially awkward or an inconsiderate jackass who tries to use autism as an excuse, and I'm really annoyed when well-intentioned people tried to tell me that I'm normal because I could finish education, do work, etc and brush off my social and relationship difficulty.

    2. Engineering itself feels great, but the teamwork and team communication, time and project management are definitely difficult. I used to be an R&D engineer for a refrigeration company and it was difficult to switch attention between project analysis and updating info to other departments.  Right now I'm a freelancer, I do technical translation between Thai and English, product design/ outsourcing, and music production.

    So it's the people part of engineering that is really challenging for me.

  • Yeah that sucks tbf similar to England I guess just I guess with England it's got aweness at least but the media doesn't exsactly give it fair press

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