Introducing myself! Hello!

Hi - My name is Virginia and I have just updated my profile and re-connected. I was diagnosed aged 45. I'm a tutor and a professional writer with a book of stories coming out this year. I have had a few articles in Spectrum and a lot of poetry published in journals like Acumen, Breath and Shadow, Minerva Rising. I am in the process of creating a writer's webpage so people can link to my published work, but I have been broadcast on BBC radio a lot recently and I am writing for a theatre production. I also wrote a song for The Fisherman's Friends, which is probably going to be performed! My diagnosis journey was a positive one for me. I am married, with a son aged 20. 

Things I like are: writing, reading, analysis of words, binge watching crime series, playing the violin and making playlists. I also love swimming. 

In lockdown, I moved to tutoring online, and it worked out well. I do suffer from bouts of deep low mood, anxiety and this is difficult. Distraction is my key, but burnout happens often! To relax I swim or do occasional ballet, and I like to keep my life fairly tranquil, although it's not always possible! 

I hope to chat a bit on here.

  • Hi, I am an avid reader. When the 'A' level choice dilemma came up, I went down the science route, though I could have gone down the Eng. lit., history,  art etc. route. I resurrected my interest in history a number of years ago, when I wrote half a dozen articles on Napoleonic military history, one of which won a prize. At the moment I'm reading through David Lodge's novels, having abandoned George Eliot for the time being, 'Adam Bede' exhausted my patience. Usually, my patience is pretty solid, even having ploughed through the whole of 'Finnegans Wake'.

  • That's cool! I love everybody's replies here! Thank you! Today I have been writing monologues for the theatre!

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