Introducing Myself

Hello there. I’ve had very limited social interaction since I dropped out of college in 2011. I came to this site in the hopes of talking to people who might be able to empathise with my social/cognitive struggles. I don’t feel like I really have any true opinions and interests, with a few exceptions, so I don’t even feel like a real person most of the time. I wouldn’t mind talking with anyone really but I have a really bad fear of being judged.

  • Join the Club, I am twenty four and i am still figuring out how to be a person. 

  • Join the Club, I am twenty four and i am still figuring out how to be a person. 


    I’m about to be 35 I’m still figuring it out.

    And also:

    I'm still lost 

    The 'human' condition and all it's states of affairs sociologically although very complex and convoluted ~ is ultimately very simple in deed; when compared with the indefatigable mystery of the human 'being'.

    The main difficulty for us on the spectrum (along with other neurologically and sociologically divergent members of society) is that we lack more often the facilitation and identification of those like us as we develop, hence the problems of not feeling comfortable with others and not fitting in, and titles like 'Stranger in a strange land' often having significant meaning.

    When it comes to as stated, still feeling lost, appreciating and learning to enjoy that as many mystics or metaphysicists promote is what allowed me as a human 'being' to feel discovered as an indefatigable mystery, and as I often state ~ "I very much prefer being an 'odd-one-out' rather than one of the 'odder-ones-in'!" Wink

  • where have u been ? 

  • where have u been ? 

    Dealing with stress induced seizures and all the psychologically fragmenting disassociations involved with all of that.

    Having my linguistic frameworks fragged after seizures kind of makes writing systems of words utterly difficult or even entirely impossible, even though I can still read most of the time ~ I have to sometimes use a dictionary which is rather pleasant for the etymologist in me to relearn the linguistic basics again.

    After long bouts of day-in-day-out month-in-month-out seizures though the very idea of writing anything at all becomes considerably distressing or frustrating ~ which seriously does not help with having psychogenic / stress induced seizures.

    Hence my seasonal or event related absences from writing stuff from time to time.

    Hey hoe and such is life and all of that and so on and so fourth! 


  • where have u been ? 

    Dealing with stress induced seizures and all the psychologically fragmenting disassociations involved with all of that.

    Having my linguistic frameworks fragged after seizures kind of makes writing systems of words utterly difficult or even entirely impossible, even though I can still read most of the time ~ I have to sometimes use a dictionary which is rather pleasant for the etymologist in me to relearn the linguistic basics again.

    After long bouts of day-in-day-out month-in-month-out seizures though the very idea of writing anything at all becomes considerably distressing or frustrating ~ which seriously does not help with having psychogenic / stress induced seizures.

    Hence my seasonal or event related absences from writing stuff from time to time.

    Hey hoe and such is life and all of that and so on and so fourth! 

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