a very serious question

Hi all hope you are all good i have a very important question a true question one of the most important questions you will ever face 

and here it is are you a tea person or a coffee person ?

i expect some serious debate but be nice we are all friends hereStuck out tongue winking eyeClownStuck out tongue winking eye

  • Neither. I don't understand either of those drinks. 

    They taste awful. 

    Especially Tea.

    What is up with that stuff? 

    Why when we become adults is it THE drink people seem expected to drink? 

    When I used to ask this a common answer I got, which I still find odd to this day, 'It's an acquired taste!' 

    Why would anyone drink something in which they have to acquire the taste for? 

  • Greetings. (!) When Persons say "acquired taste" it is sort of if tasting the thing once, but finding it VILE... then later on, after a day or a week or a month or so... One finds Oneself thinking very much about the experience and so seeking it again.

    The only other thing in popular culture I know of like this is BOVRIL (TM). 

    I personally think it is to do with Chemical constitution and/or biological need for certain elements/stimulants... but that is a totally other discussion... nerrr!

    Personally I drink neither Tea nor Coffee. (Bloating & sickness.) But that is just Me. 'Bye for now, All. Slight smile

  • Greetings. (!) When Persons say "acquired taste" it is sort of if tasting the thing once, but finding it VILE... then later on, after a day or a week or a month or so... One finds Oneself thinking very much about the experience and so seeking it again.

    The only other thing in popular culture I know of like this is BOVRIL (TM). 

    I personally think it is to do with Chemical constitution and/or biological need for certain elements/stimulants... but that is a totally other discussion... nerrr!

    Personally I drink neither Tea nor Coffee. (Bloating & sickness.) But that is just Me. 'Bye for now, All. Slight smile
