

My name is Richard.  I was recently diagnosed as autistic.  I find it hard to relax in groups.  Often don’t say much but when I do I sometimes lose it and talk rubbish.  (No I’m not doing it now!). I can point back to many events over the years that were bullying in all but name.  I worry easily.  And you’ll not be surprised I don’t make friends easily.  I would forgive anyone for describing me as ‘he who fears everything’.  I d rather not say my age but believe my diagnosis came about 45 years too late to serve me well.  

That said.  2020 is a year that is going to go down with one of many negatives.  I believe the theory of a problem often being an opportunity in disguise is valid and intend to turn this into a positive somehow.

I look forward to hearing from you.

  • I think most people have a hard time making friends. You're not alone:-)

  • i used to do that occasionally "lose it and talk rubbish.". I used ti be worse now i tend to say less because when i start i can get into a flow and  talk rubbish. which afterwards i find embarrasing because there may have been a load of lies included.

    my way forward 

    say less  but be more meaningful

    in zen -- if u have nothing meaningful to say keep quiet

    but even the above paragraph at top  is wrong in that i must not look at my past but focus on the present moment and then move forward as a new person and through baby eyes

    in short forget about your past u cant touch it or change it..   

    Focus on right now then repeat as u go forward.

    ok stopping 'cause i go all Zeny Slight smile