Un-diagnosed and confused

Hey everyone, I've only recently realised (aboutr 3/4 months ago) that I display a lot of ASD traits. I'm 34 and my (now estranged) wife wrote a loooong list of all the things I do/don't do. 

Overall I feel annoyed that I didn't realise sooner, I'm annoyed that my parents and teachers didn't realise. If I'd known sooner, I feel like I could have managed life a bit better, I might have been able to save my marriage for one. 

However since realising I've been a lot more aware of how I react to things, and try to find ways to cope. I used to get so annoyed with my kids when they were just doing kid stuff (like being loud and jumping around) and I really hate that I did. But I feel like now I can have a good word with myself and just be more patient. I still struggle with large supermarkets, I don't think that's ever going to change!

I've joined this community to get an insight into how other people live with ASD and learn from you guys where I can. I want to live the best life I can going forward. 

  • keep that list from ur wife its very useful. Be nice to her as she may be needed in your diagnosis.

    Maybe u are such a border line case no-one has the nerve to say to you

    "You are autistic"

    Or they don't see all of u  so there is not enough to say to justify "You are autistic"

    but your ex-partner is saying you are she sees all of your behaviours so u owe her big time she uncovered u.

    do the autism tests online to see how u score.

    if u dont have a link let us know / just ask.

    u know to make a list of all the reasons u have autism right Slight smile

    ther is one autistic trait which i always found amusing 

    "Funny hair"

    i was always told "a cow must have licked me when born" because my hair  was like Boris's in the wind :)

    I made a great punk !

  • Thanks aidie!

    I've done a few tests online and they've all come back saying the same sort of thing. Did the AQ10 this morning and got a 7/10. I'll have to dig out that list, but honestly my relationship with my ex is a lot better now that I don't have to think about all the additional marriage stuff. 

    I think I hide my symptoms well, by mimicry and by just being quiet. When I read other people's experiences it's like seeing the world in a new light - I find myself going, oh I do that a lot. 

    That funny hair thing is so funny! I have ridiculously unruly hair, just does whatever it wants at all angles.

  • see isn't it amazing  Slight smile

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