Unemployed again!

Hello all.

I was given 24 hours notice that my job was redundant (after 2 weeks consultation) 2 days later I had a meltdown/PTSD episode after not sleeping for 5 days and ended up with police detaining me (in handcuffs) under 136, dumbing me at A&E then when I tried to leave the hospital the A&E staff got the police to handcuffs me again so the police could take me to a “place safety” where I was then detained under section 2 and forced to take antipsychotic meds.

Does anyone have any experience with dealing with medical staff and the police before official diagnosis? From what I’ve read the police and medical professionals are supposed to treat as Autistic even if Autism is suspected.

Also does anyone know of local support groups in Gloucester/Cheltenham.

Thanks in advance.

  • good.  if someone did that to me  I would sue them in the courts

  • where were  you when this happened ?

  • ni i am not 

    but i was severely distressed and violent and simply in the wrong environment 

    police were called and everything 

    it was so horrible to have to go through that

  • Damn that’s horrible.

  • r u psychotic  as well ? 

  • yeah i got handcuffed too 

  • omg i am so glad that someone understands it and went through it 

    i got sectioned twice under the s136 and once under s2 and i know how difficult it is 

    it is so hard especially when they have no idea about autism 

    i got injected by anti-psychotic 

    it is horrible 

    i am left terrified and totally traumatized  

  • How can anyone rationalise the use of handcuffs on a 73 year old woman as “safe”. 

  • Hear about what the cops did to the mum of an ex-Corrie Star who simply wanted to spend time with her ninety-eight-year-old mum?

    Makes my blood boil!

  • So sorry for your experience, it’s not acceptable that you were made to feel ashamed for being yourself. I hope that you have been able to find the support and care you need since diagnosis. 

  • Actually Yes, I have been detained in a police cell because of an autism meltdown and its not something i am proud with, The officers did not recognise it as autism meltdown and no diagnosis at the time. they had to handcuffed me and placed me into a holding cell. which made thing worse because of the police station lights made the meltdown worse until i knocked myself unconscious against the walls in the police cell. after the meltdown twelve hours later i was unable to speak and they took that as confession of guilt and took me back home where my step father triggered another meltdown which then later on turned into a suicide attempt because i did not want to keep experience meltdown repeatedly and i was in hospital the next day because of an overdose where i went non verbal again and the mental health nurse written i was unwilling to cooperate.

    Crisis team in my experience was pointless, they will ring you every other day to check on you and possible bring a doctor out to prescribe you medication that made everything worse. 

    You should contact your local adult social services to acquire and sign post you to support organisations.      

  • 1. I asked a jogger/ passerby outside my house to call the police because I needed help, I’d already called crisis team and 111 no response from the crisis team and 111 said someone would call back within 2 hours. 

    2. Irrelevant in terms of policy to treat service user as autistic when autism is suspected. I was referred for evaluation in February 2020 NHS waiting list is 2 year +

    3. I haven’t been diagnosed with PTSD. 10/10 ACEs including ACE-DV unable to not see flashbacks as think in pictures and memories are like colour videos.

    4. No. Bloods were taken and told I had a high white blood cell count and were waiting on results. It wasn’t until I tried to leave the hospital and became agitated then being restrained by A&E nurse who I kicked and struggled to escape from because the pain in my wrist was unbearable (having been in handcuffs for 3 hours previously) and just told I was unwell and needed “treatment”. The next day my right wrist was bruised in a perfect circle the whole of the back of my hand up to elbow was bruised and I had nerve damage in thumb and was numb for 3 weeks.

  • how did the police get involved ?  what where u doing to get taken by them to A&E

    what makes you think you are autistic ?

    where u diagnosed with PTSD ?

    while held under 136 where u assessed / diagnosed with anything ?

  • Damn that’s messed up I was lucky enough to just about afford private diagnosis of autism last month COVID has ruined everything.

  • Yes, been told to except 2 year plus waiting list. 

  • Hello sorry to hear about your meltdown and horrible experience are you waiting on the nhs for a assessment?