My introduction


I recently joined and thought I’d introduce myself. I’m in my 40’s and have recently requested a referral from my GP as I think I’ve been trying to ‘deal’ with some autistic characteristics.

A little about me:

  • I’m ambitious
  • creative
  • self taught in a lot of what I do
  • get engrossed in projects to the point where I don’t hear telephone calls - it can take me a while to get back into what I’m doing if I get interrupted to go and do something else.
  • like to keep records (games mostly) and catalogue things
  • i have a keen memory for movie scripts and scenes
  • quick to anger when people don’t understand simple tasks I give them
  • get frustrated easily to the point where I get so angry and frustrated that I start hitting myself - usually in the jaw or sometimes the thighs
  • in social situations (outside of my hobbies) I can’t/don’t engage with people, even colleagues and can’t wait to leave
  • have trouble maintaining eye contact - I find it easier to look at their nose or teeth, or just not at them I’m general

While I am still waiting for a referral I thought it best to come here to try and find some feedback and answers from anyone who is either feeing the same as I do (having been asked if I think I may have some form of autism), or anyon3 who has been given a positive diagnosis that can maybe help. 

when I think back, I believe a lot of the problems I am having have been with me for a long time, but they only seem to manifest more nowadays. Plus I’m more aware of some behaviours but struggle to control them when things are particularly tough.

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