17 year old not doing anything

Hi everyone, I'm new to this group. My daughter is 17. She was diagnosed in April. She came out of school in yr 10. She started a 14-16 maths and English course at college. This had its ups and downs but she did go, when it came to the exams she couldn't manage them. This September she started a Career Skills course. She said she liked the teachers, had a couple of friends but has now come off the course  she said she doesn't see the point in it.

I have suggested counselling. She did go on a 6 week one which seemed to help ( a while ago) Volunteer work. They wanted her to speak on the phone which she wouldn't do. She had met English and Maths tutors who shd doesn't feel comfortable with . Obviously getting a job..... not sure if she could manage an interview. The main issue is her talking. I have tried to be so positive. I'm even thinking of volunteering myself and then she could come with me. I'm running out of ideas!

  • Does your Daughter talk to anyone conversation wise?

    Plus does she have a subject she is interested in because she should start with her main interest and see if she can apply that to a course or work environment and learn other skills through that medium (I am not an expert I have just this suggestion). 

  • Does your Daughter talk to anyone conversation wise?

    Plus does she have a subject she is interested in because she should start with her main interest and see if she can apply that to a course or work environment and learn other skills through that medium (I am not an expert I have just this suggestion). 

  • Yes look at her interests. Theres so many voluntary roles that arent advertised. For example, if she likes animals our zoo let's people assist keepers in their daily work! You could just approach a business shes interested in and ask if they take volunteering