Cuddly Soft Toys

Who takes comfort in  teddies due to the lack of support around in our society for Autistic people.  With the lack of support I have resorted to turning to my soft toys as an answer to anxiety and depression due to fears and suspicions of others who should know better.  Next year its upwards and onwards as a seasoned campaigner. 

  • It was when I was feeling low and suicidal at night, after talking to a 111 NHS Doctor who wasn't much use that I resorted to my soft toys and a shot of Irish cream.  I started giggling when I invisaged the look on the DWP health assessor when teddy comes along for support. The next time I am assessed by anyone teddy shall accompany me.  Its  better than any stress ball.. 

  • I agree! My granny gave my teddy away to another child when I was 9 years old and she thought I was "too old" for him. Still haven't got over it (58 now!). 

  • Our condition is hidden from neuro typical. not only that the way many of us have been treated or ignored to cope on our own   I had a bad encounter with Social services, was given 0 points by PIP and treated like a piece of meat at a DWP health assessment.  This has made my mental health worse until my soft toys came to the rescue.  I even took a soft toy to the GP. 

  • It's very distressing to be treated badly. I have a carpet bag which I like to hold - that too is very comforting. Whatever makes us feel more comfortable and secure is a good thing, I think. Too often as children we are forced to give up things we rely on because we are supposed to be too old for them. The world would be a better place if more adults retained child like qualities 

  • It's very distressing to be treated badly. I have a carpet bag which I like to hold - that too is very comforting. Whatever makes us feel more comfortable and secure is a good thing, I think. Too often as children we are forced to give up things we rely on because we are supposed to be too old for them. The world would be a better place if more adults retained child like qualities 

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