Eating and drinking issues

Hello, My name is June I am a grandmother of a 3 yrs old Boy who is Autistic.

8 weeks ago he started refusing drinks, to the extent of not taking any fluids at all. We over come this by giving him watery foods , such as yogurts, fruit pots , puddings and Weetabix with lots of milk.

He became ill 2 weeks ago with a virus and fever, so stopped eating due to the fever , his GP sent him to hospital but nothing was done they just made sure he was not dehydrated and sent him home .

He has recovered from the virus , BUT  the situation has heightened over the past few days as he is not eating his usual foods now.

We realise this appears to be a sensory issue but we do not know what to do and how to get support. the GP does not seem to know what to do. 

Is there anyone out there who can give any advice or guidance , Please xx

  • When my son was between 2-3 he refused to eat. This went on for 18 months and was very distressing so I can understand how worrying not drinking must be. 

    You may well have already tried this but all I can recommend is - to get him back on track at least - let him have anything he wants that gets fluid in him. I don’t know if he likes ice lollies for example? It sounds awful but we’d bribe my son with his favourite sweets or chocolate buttons if necessary (one bite / sip = one sweet or choc button) - it didn’t always work but sometimes. You can worry about bad habits etc later as once he’s back into eating / drinking again too can slowly phase things out. 

    Also have you tried different vessels? My son wanted to drink from a baby bottle or beaker again even when he was really too old for it - or he likes straws in cartons. He was also very fixated on stacking cups so we’d play pouring milk with that and try and make a game where he has to drink some - we’d do it as a competition where whoever did it first was the winner etc. 

    We also learnt not to push it too much. Like if he ate one thing we’d probably go over the top with attention and also then trying to build on the momentum by trying to push another bite in... in hindsight that made it worse, we should’ve just left it at one and left it happy.

    I don’t know if any of this helps - but you have my sympathy. Keep persevering and try and make anything food related a positive (or passive) experience even if inside you’re feeling stressed by it.  

  • It's so hard my daughter nearly 6 is bad for not drinking when I'll literally have syringe it in she can go 7 days on little fluid. I had her at gp but they said she wasn't clinically dehydrated I was managing jusy hmget enough in her. Hos9 said even a sip hear an there is enough this shocked me. We have phases of refusing eat i percivere and give her it anyways and encourage her eat some her dad's strict so he threatens send her to bed if she dose'nt eat it has worked severe ( and I don't enforce this I can eventually get her eat more slowly.  I don't believe my hv when say if hungry thrlk eat my daughter would starve she's gone 5 or more days no food at times more when I'll thankfully only meal she eats no issue is breakfast porridge. She'll eat would too I try give things I know she'll eat but even then it's hit or miss last night was soagettie plain and she played with it looked like she was eating bit not much left plate she likes ketchup the slice beef was chewed an spat out. I hope this is a phase that like in past passes she's had times in past were hardly eats dinner  and my girls small as is and has food allergies.  

  • It's so hard my daughter nearly 6 is bad for not drinking when I'll literally have syringe it in she can go 7 days on little fluid. I had her at gp but they said she wasn't clinically dehydrated I was managing jusy hmget enough in her. Hos9 said even a sip hear an there is enough this shocked me. We have phases of refusing eat i percivere and give her it anyways and encourage her eat some her dad's strict so he threatens send her to bed if she dose'nt eat it has worked severe ( and I don't enforce this I can eventually get her eat more slowly.  I don't believe my hv when say if hungry thrlk eat my daughter would starve she's gone 5 or more days no food at times more when I'll thankfully only meal she eats no issue is breakfast porridge. She'll eat would too I try give things I know she'll eat but even then it's hit or miss last night was soagettie plain and she played with it looked like she was eating bit not much left plate she likes ketchup the slice beef was chewed an spat out. I hope this is a phase that like in past passes she's had times in past were hardly eats dinner  and my girls small as is and has food allergies.  

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