Going through ASD testing ATM

Hi there,

My name is Alison, I am mummy to Adam, who is 7 and is awaiting his ASD appointment, which we have been told takes up to ten months! Which is all very nice bhas these people   Probably have never had a child on the floor of a supermarket!!

I have come on here for any hints, tips or just a shoulder really, sometimes it all gets a bit on top of myself and my husband, while we know there is 'something wrong' not having that diagionis yet, we feel bad about asking for help.

Thanks Alison and andrew

  • Hi everyone
    I've just joined the community and am seeking help for my 15 year old son. He has just been diagnosed with Aspergers ad really wants to get over his food phobia. He hasn't been invited to a party or social activity for many years and, although he recognises that he doesn't cope well in groups, he recognises that a significant challenge for him is that he doesn't eat 'normally'. He has a small range of dry food that he eats each day (no vegetables and very little of anything that isn't beige). We went to see the community peadiatric team who diagnosed him with Aspergers and just pointed us in the direction of Autism websites to help to sort out his food issues.

    He would like to be more 'normal' around his eating habits to help gain acceptance at school. Anyone got any suggestions about how I can help him to extend his range of foods? He used to retch when he was younger if a new food was introduced (even if it was put on his plate). I now understand that this is due to his heightened sense of smell and taste. If you have any suggestions re: how to start introducing new food types, that would be wonderful.

  • Hi Tuesday Club Girl,

    Just been searching for food phobia threads on the forum and your reply here cam up. I have three sons, two have extreme food phobias (eldest is turning 9 and has a diagnosis of ASD/Aspergers; and my middle son has SPD). How are you getting on?

  • Hi Tuesday Club Girl,

    Just been searching for food phobia threads on the forum and your reply here cam up. I have three sons, two have extreme food phobias (eldest is turning 9 and has a diagnosis of ASD/Aspergers; and my middle son has SPD). How are you getting on?

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