Noise Cancelling Headphones

Hi there,

My son has Aspergers and learning difficulties.  He is extremely noise sensitive and struggles at school.  I am trying to research the best noise cancelling headphones/ear defenders.  I have bought him some ear defenders on Amazon which he has tried out today but they didnt help.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.



  • I live alone in a council flat and the area is very noisy even with double glazing and new doors, as the external walls are paper thin at all times, even the road outside - the council are not receptive at all to reports of ASB noise pollution in the 21 years I’ve lived here and are far more inclined to take legal action against those making “malicious” reports of ASB because of “perceptions” of noise rather than the offenders, because they take the mindset that council tenants “do not have any right to make any comments on any issues” even when it is trying to improve the community they see this as being “negative” - noise cancelling headphones are essential in this area, not just for travelling and compared to 21 years ago, the noise levels in both the U.K. and Ireland have become far greater, even in Rural Ireland - because we are perceived to have “mental health issues” when we attempt to object to much of this, we will never be taken seriously, we will be fobbed off and we always be dismissed as being cranks when we attempt to raise issues even via the “official” channels (used as a way of silencing complaints) 

  • I live alone in a council flat and the area is very noisy even with double glazing and new doors, as the external walls are paper thin at all times, even the road outside - the council are not receptive at all to reports of ASB noise pollution in the 21 years I’ve lived here and are far more inclined to take legal action against those making “malicious” reports of ASB because of “perceptions” of noise rather than the offenders, because they take the mindset that council tenants “do not have any right to make any comments on any issues” even when it is trying to improve the community they see this as being “negative” - noise cancelling headphones are essential in this area, not just for travelling and compared to 21 years ago, the noise levels in both the U.K. and Ireland have become far greater, even in Rural Ireland - because we are perceived to have “mental health issues” when we attempt to object to much of this, we will never be taken seriously, we will be fobbed off and we always be dismissed as being cranks when we attempt to raise issues even via the “official” channels (used as a way of silencing complaints) 

  • Hi, I was moved by your message because I have similar problems coping with "urban" noises - particularly music from third parties (a kind of misophonia/melophobia), which causes meltdowns because the emotions are so strong and automatic. It's not uncommon at all and whenever I mention it to people quite a few of them tell me they have the same problem and start to shake and get anxious when exposed to noise (usually music) from third parties. It's a pity people aren't considerate enough to think twice before making noise. We only have "mental health" issues because the world is the way it currently is and we were dealt a set of "cards" which doesn't make it easy for our lives to run smoothly under these conditions. Change the planet for a quiet one (or turn the clock back a few hundred years) and all those inconsiderate noise-makers would be going mad because it's too quiet and having to have therapy to cope with the silence. You are right - the world is getting noisier and noisier. Perhaps we can try to lobby for quiet areas in towns reserved for quiet people who don't make noise and don't want noise. Would be great if every town in England (and Ireland) could have a quiet zone. You need to move out of your accommodation if possible. Good luck to you and best wishes.