Accessing Assisted Technology

I’m afraid to report this, and I’m sorry to those that are thinking I’m just being a downright moaning Minnie, but I’m only calling out for help!

I’m afraid that I’ve been finding it a huge strain and downright miserable time, being so apart from one of my communication aids, which mum has out on contract for me, but sad to say the network, particularly the branch she got it from are biased against autistic people, and have left me now 2 months without one, which has been beyond harrowingly painful!!

I depend on Apple devices for communication as well as work related tasks, being a creative performer and songwriter, which I use specific software to create my work, but being the only tool I use, an iPad, it’s barely enough, and being without it is making it very hard to fully function.

Mum has lent her iPhone to me in the meantime, but it’s getting now she’s urging me to it off me, hence why I could be doing with accessing some kind of grant or help from a charity to get access to gaining the assistive technology needed for my work and functionality.

does anyone know of anyone or somewhere that could supply the equipment needed? Here’s a list of the things that could really help…

1x iMac desktop Desktop

1x MacBook Pro Computer 

1x iPad Pro

1x Stream Camera with Mic

Read and Write Pro for Mac

Mind Mapping software

would really appreciate a bit of support at this very stressful time!

much love 

  • That looks like some high end equipment and the price tag looks like heading towards £5k

    Can you not use older equipment that is a fraction of the new price? eBay has plenty of decent secondhand Apple stuff at a fraction of the new price, or other brands of PC / tablets using Windows / android would save you a lot.

    Apple isn't the only solution although I realise it is all interoperable, but you pay a bit premium for the label.

    I'm not sure what companies or charities would be willing to supply any of this unless there is an element of disability enablement in it (eg if you are non verbal) but then things like a streaming camera are not really needed for this and an iPad could do everything you need for the "needs". The music stuff if all "nice to have" and I doubt you will get support for this.

    Good luck in your search but I think you could get lower spec / older kit for less than £1k to cover all your needs here. Sure it would be slower and have less of a life span but it would be 20% of the cost of it new.

  • That looks like some high end equipment and the price tag looks like heading towards £5k

    Can you not use older equipment that is a fraction of the new price? eBay has plenty of decent secondhand Apple stuff at a fraction of the new price, or other brands of PC / tablets using Windows / android would save you a lot.

    Apple isn't the only solution although I realise it is all interoperable, but you pay a bit premium for the label.

    I'm not sure what companies or charities would be willing to supply any of this unless there is an element of disability enablement in it (eg if you are non verbal) but then things like a streaming camera are not really needed for this and an iPad could do everything you need for the "needs". The music stuff if all "nice to have" and I doubt you will get support for this.

    Good luck in your search but I think you could get lower spec / older kit for less than £1k to cover all your needs here. Sure it would be slower and have less of a life span but it would be 20% of the cost of it new.

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