Does this sound like I have high functioning Autism?

Hey guys,

The NHS has refused to refer me to a specialist and I cannot afford to go to a private specialist to get referred. I know it isn't viable to self diagnose but it would be really helpful if I could have your opinions as to whether you thought I sound like i might be on the spectrum somewhat.

These are the things I deem relevant:

Firstly, I know I definitely am very high functioning. I have never had trouble keeping or maintaining friendships. I am very sociable, and don't experience social anxiety. I do, however experience severe sensory overload. I also have a diagnosis of ADHD. My partner says that I sometimes talk a lot and take up more conversation time than her, so perhaps this indicates a lack of social reciprocity, but I am aware of when I do this, and I know I am very chatty. I am very emotionally sensitive. I experience hyperfocus which I have previously put down to my ADHD, and have deep knowledge in particular subjects. I have a very logical brain and have a degree in mathematics. I don't have any routines that I adhere by and I don't have a problem with change. My language/ speech isn't different. I was always very rebellious as a teenager and was always in trouble at school secondary school- I never understood why because I thought I was being good. I can be a touch direct with people at times and I often like to get the point across directly to people because I think that it's kinder not to lie to somebody, but i do this in a diplomatic and gentle way. On occasion I have behaved in ways that have caused people to react back to me in ways that have surprised me, as in the person has misinterpreted my behaviour to mean something else and I have been badly misunderstood. I never feel awkward in social situations, I am extraverted and am confident socially.

I also have a diagnosis of Complex PTSD which could account for some of the things I mentioned. 

I would be so grateful for some feedback.

Thank you so much.


  • None of us are really qualified to say.  ADHD as I understand it can bring a raft of sensory issues too, which may be causing some problems.

    Have you tried an AQ50.  There are plenty of those for free online.  It's not a diagnosis but will give you a very good indicator as to likelihood.  If that flags high, I would go back to the GP and show them.

  • None of us are really qualified to say.  ADHD as I understand it can bring a raft of sensory issues too, which may be causing some problems.

    Have you tried an AQ50.  There are plenty of those for free online.  It's not a diagnosis but will give you a very good indicator as to likelihood.  If that flags high, I would go back to the GP and show them.

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