PIP O points

I know PIP is not a given and I know there are people worse than me but I have jesus been turned down flat for Pip , In a nutshell  according to DWP I am too intelligent , too cognitive, too insightful and gave eye contact also I speak well and have a good memory .

I have asked for a mandatory reconsideration .

I did sent in my Autism Assessment diagnosis 

  • PIP is scored only on how your problem impacts upon daily living. Can you feed yourself, wash yourself and manage the toilet yourself? Can you sort out your own meds? Can you get to the shops & buy food/clothes etc.

    If so, you score zero.

    To score any points you need to have quite serious problems managing day to day activities.

    I have no idea how a lot of people qualify these days - I'm Aspergers, I have a brain injury, CFS, chronic pain, terrible ulcerative colitis, memory problems, co-ordination problems etc. and I scored zero too.

    I've been told that they are rejecting everyone this year - maybe to sort the wheat from the chaff - those who are seriously ill will have to do without money so they might die and save the country a lot of money and those who are fakers will get a job - and save the country a load of money.


  • I can prepare a meal, but I don’t as I get distracted and I only eat when food is cooked for me. I can shower but will go a week without because I get distracted or lack motivation too. I can dress myself but will wear the same pair of underwear for days on end. I can brush my teeth but don’t for days on end. For same reasons above. Reading is difficult if there stuff going on around me. Socialising is difficult due to anxiety and I very rarely leave my room. But I’m intelligent and make eye contact and I also scored zero on everything. 

    My cab rep already prepared me for a no, but I wasn’t expecting zero points. He also said he’s seen so many autistic adults being denied because dwp have ZERO knowledge of autism and how it affect us. He also told me it’ll most likely go to appeal/tribunal. I’m phoning him Monday to arrange this. 

    Good luck if your doing the same. 

  • I can prepare a meal, but I don’t as I get distracted and I only eat when food is cooked for me. I can shower but will go a week without because I get distracted or lack motivation too. I can dress myself but will wear the same pair of underwear for days on end. I can brush my teeth but don’t for days on end. For same reasons above. Reading is difficult if there stuff going on around me. Socialising is difficult due to anxiety and I very rarely leave my room. But I’m intelligent and make eye contact and I also scored zero on everything. 

    My cab rep already prepared me for a no, but I wasn’t expecting zero points. He also said he’s seen so many autistic adults being denied because dwp have ZERO knowledge of autism and how it affect us. He also told me it’ll most likely go to appeal/tribunal. I’m phoning him Monday to arrange this. 

    Good luck if your doing the same. 

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