The toxic interaction between Autism and Narcissism

I've been looking into psychosocial dynamics of why a developmental disorder and and a personality disorder can be so destructive to the wellbeing of both individual sufferers when in the presence of one another. They appear to operate as polar opposites in terms of dysfunctions of nature.

  • A narcissist project hurt down to others to get them to satisfy their needs.
  • An autist reflect hurt back to themselves into a meltdown of needs.
  • NT's simply help each other with their needs.

The solution to this is to break apart the cycle of suffering that enables the perpetuated spiral of emotionally negative transactions. Physical distancing may very well be necessary to help the situation of toxic transmissions of hate and fear.

Once separated, realisation of ones own grief is necessary to ensure that psychic losses are contained and accepted within the confines of their own environment. Only when awareness of compromised psychic defences has been realised that healing can truely take place without risk of future breakdown. Any length of intervention can only be determined by the end users decision making capacity for their own welfare.

Please note that these are my own thoughts as a male aspie that has been brought up by narcissistic mother for almost 2 decades and is still struggling with the fallout of psych-ache.

No Data
  • An echo is someone that has some sort of relationship with a narcissist that feeds their self love. Unfortunately, due to the make up of us aspies, we involuntarily feed their self worth by giving them the attention that they crave for themselves.

    They get to help themselves to us and neurotypicals can at times act as an enabler for them. When you have built up the necessary awareness around them, only then can you protect yourself from their kind and the triangulation against us.

    The vulnerability is still there for myself regardless and I still have no idea what to do about it.

  • So how would I know? How could I tell if someone in my life was narcissistic? I looked at several of those "you know you're with a narcissist when...", websites, but to be honest I just drew a blank. I'm not sure I've ever been around someone like that. 

    On the other hand, everything with my ex-wife always seemed to have to be a drama. I don't know why. Clearly some things in life are dramas, but I often felt like the simplest of things would be seemingly blown out of all proportion for effect? Do any of you recognise that sort of thing?