18_09_17.....For those that have lost the thread....mis-wired ramblings....short circuit!

For those of you that have lost the plot, tangled yourself in the thread, lost a marble, misplaced their armoured shelll....hang out here!

This is the Home for the Mis-Wired, waiting for the ferry to Autopia / sitting in the waiting room of diagnosis .....tickets please! All aboard!

QUESTION. - How long do you give it before we get our threads in a twist on this one!?.....

ANSWER - I give it 24 hours....

tick, tick, tick....

Parents Reply
  • I'm an 8 stone stick!!! - but it does mean that if I stand sideways I disappear!! - LOL.  Lots of nervous energy and dashing around-ness. I am like one of those wind up toys..I will keep pottering and dashing around until all of a sudden I stop!  I think it's called "burn out"....

    It is a case of having to be organised....nothing gets done if I don't do it.  

    In the case of my step-daughters home schooling - no one at her house helps here, she has to do it all herself and finds some of it difficult.  Her mum and dad, as well as her two grown up big sisters and a grown up brother have left me to it! - maybe I'll get a thank you, one day! - Grrrr.....
