18_09_17.....For those that have lost the thread....mis-wired ramblings....short circuit!

For those of you that have lost the plot, tangled yourself in the thread, lost a marble, misplaced their armoured shelll....hang out here!

This is the Home for the Mis-Wired, waiting for the ferry to Autopia / sitting in the waiting room of diagnosis .....tickets please! All aboard!

QUESTION. - How long do you give it before we get our threads in a twist on this one!?.....

ANSWER - I give it 24 hours....

tick, tick, tick....

Parents Reply
  • What are you going to take  into your hole ? I think mine is on flat ground in the hollow of a tree. I'm not a cave person like Lone as I get claustrophobic so I'd like to be able to see out but cosy. Maybe like a hobbit hole with a comfy sofa and a blanket , a fire and nice food  muffins and chocolate and cups of tea . and quiet amongst the trees not noisy traffic passing by. 
