Grocery shopping -anyone else?

I currently do 99% of my grocery shopping online. My stepdaughter is talking about shopping in store more. With online shopping there are various links to click to get to different sections and then choose. I have something of a set pattern of doing things which works for me.

However in store shopping is something I struggle with. I am bad at organising myself to get what I need. I struggle to make shopping lists , and tend to shop haphazardly . I think this is to do with executive functioning difficulties.

I wondered whether this was a problem for anyone else. How are you at in store grocery shopping?

  • I have a confession.  I'm old enough to have done the old 'O' levels and my first attempt at both English Language and literature was a double 'U' for ungraded.

  • So true!! Good to meet a fellow Literary person as well (first degree was English Lit)...and still a fan!! :)

  • . said:
    I am sure that he will come back with more than we need/want....... :)

    I know what I don't need more than I know what I want. Apologies to George Elliot for the mis-quote (Daniel Deronda

  • Hi InMyHead (great name by the way)

    I do the online shop as I like to know that I have everything planned for the week and I don't get the stress of those horrible supermarkets.  Also, will online shops you get to know the delivery people and theirs shifts so you can also get that familiarity - which helps.

    I like your idea of stealth research trips!! - and glad you're wish to the supermarket owners wiley ways....

    as I type my OH has gone off to the supermarket with a list from me....but I am sure that he will come back with more than we need/want....... :)

  • I'm just wondering (as I do) what the other 1% shopping was for...

    I tend to do most of my shopping on line. But there are problems. Buying a single item online is great as you can home in on specifics, and also make easy comparisons of quality and cost. But food shopping is more tricky as there are so many more items. It's true you can just pick your usual items, but then you might fail to see new items in stock. I tend to do most food shopping on-line, but once a month I will go to the store (early morning and mid-week) and do a research shop. On such trips I always self-scan. 

    I hate all stores, especially food supermarkets. They can actually make me feel ill after 20 mins. It's worth remembering that supermarkets are not laid out for the comfort and ease of shoppers. They are laid out to maximise the spend by customers. I think you will find quite a few people don't like them for that reason. If you shop online regularly for food it's worth getting a delivery pass, which can save you a lot of money. Don't opt for auto-renewal, and when it runs out don't shop at that store for a week. They will normally send you a discount voucher for the next pass. Got mine yesterday from Sainsbury.

    And remember - shopping was invented by people who just want what's in your back pocket.

  • This is a great share...thank you 

  • I do all my grocery shopping on-line. Asda have a Shopping List feature, where you add all the same stuff you buy each week to your Shopping List. Then when you order for next week, you just add that Shopping List to your basket in one click (and you just add or remove anything you don't need this week). It makes shopping super-simple and much easier than trying to compile a list every week (which I always found very stressful). I can do it in my own home, and using the Shopping List I don't really need to stress about it. You can also book the same slot for delivery each week if that helps with your routine, you can edit your shopping basket up until midnight the night before, and you can book as many orders as you want up to 3 weeks in advance, so I book 3 orders in advance (and then edit my basket the night before delivery) so that I don't need to worry about if I remembered to book it or not. Mine gets delivered every Tuesday between 9 and 10 in the morning, and my routine is to edit my basket on Monday night at 9pm if I need extra cereal or whatever.

    Tesco used to have this too, but they removed the Shopping List feature in their recent website update, so I switched to Asda - guess they didn't understand how important this feature was!

  • Just read your shopping code.  Brilliant!

    I'm in the process of applying for supermarket jobs, so your code is relevant and something I will keep in mind.

  • I am the same. Cannot manage supermarkets or shops. I have very bad executive function problems with the haphazard shopping, but also awful sensory problems in there. I do all my shopping online, or my family help me if I run out and need to go into a shop.

  • Supermarket shopping experience does vary depending on the shop itself and the time.

    My happy memories are with my late mother a year before she passed away.

    I took her to see a dentist to get new dentures made (7 appointments).  And after each visit we shopped at the nearby supermarket.  It was the first time in over ten years that she had visited a shop.

    She was so happy and this made the visit enjoyable.  This medium sized supermarket was always very quiet because of a much larger one, half a mile down the road.  And we never had any problems here.  And no queues.

  • Such is the cruel, double edged ASD 

  • I understand most of the "alone" opinions here.

    What I find worst is being surrounded by people and alone at the same time.

    To make matters even worse I tend to attract people who turn out to be "unstable."

    Shopping presents few problems for me.  I treat it as an enjoyable way of passing the time.   Other social situations are a nightmare.

  • California said:
    I love to be alone.

    Me, too.  No one else need apply.

  • It is also the time for zombie mums with teething kids....self soothing with a pack of frozen peas (the kids that is!) hope all well with you btw

  • Autism Friendly Shopping Hour: 2am in a 24 hour supermarket. Second home of the neurodiverse :-)

    We've had a couple of disruptive weeks here and been shopping at the "wrong" times. It's amazing how many things get forgotten under the pressure of too many people.

  • I hope online because I get anxious around all the people. They don't seem to appreciate personal space.i hate touch plus it's too noisy 

  • I can feel both....isolated in company...isolated alone 

  • It is really surprising to read something like this.

    I am complete opposite.

    I love to be alone. That is the best out there. I am so happy then!

    I feel around people very, very, very lonely and depressing.

  • I hate the social/people interaction. Especially, in stores. I also hate queuing.

  • Lol! I would like to choose myself....maybe NAS should push supermarkets for an autism friendly shopping hour?