Rejected by the NHS for a formal Autism Spectrum Condition assessment

My GP referral for a formal Autism Spectrum Condition assessment was rejected and not processed because there was no indication of whether I was aware of and have consented to the assessment and also the clinical rationale for the assessment was not provided.

I discussed the need for an assessment with the GP and obviously this was discussed and agreed by me.

What clear clinical reason do they need?

Even the GP received the rejection response after they asked about the referral. That only happened because I asked for an update as I had not received anything in four weeks time. Although, they have confirmed that they have sent me a copy of the letter but I still have not received it. The letter says the copies were sent to me and the GP. I have not received my copy and the GP only received it because they requested it. The GP forwarded me a copy of their copy of the letter. Also, the letter says: ''No action required''. I suspect that they simply wanted to ignore me. This is ridiculous.

I am really upset. Is this a way to put people off and delay things?

Now I will need to book a new GP appointment which is a huge problem to me.

Almost two months are now wasted only by doing this.

This is going to cost me time and money.

  • Firstly, I'm sorry to hear about your issues, my GP, like yours, was sympathetic. I would suggest like others, you complete the AQ-50, EQ, and RAAD-R and pass these to the GP for attachment to your referral. If you prepare those and send them in with a letter you may not need another appointment or may be able to just have a telephone appointment to discuss the GP referring you again. If you include a cover note with the tests asking for the referral and assessment then the GP can include this as evidence that you have consented to the assessment. 

    Essentially, my experience is that when medics are presented with overwhelming data then they will do something, to get my assessment I went in with 5 or 6 different test scores that indicated a high likelihood of HFA.

    Hope this helps


  • Hello Andrew,

    Thank you so much for the comment and this information!

    I would like to prepare the AQ-50, EQ, and RAAD-R tests and send them in with a letter.

    I have searched for these tests but many websites come up.

    What are the best and the right websites where to complete the tests and print out the results, so I can add them to my letter?

    Could you let me know, please?

    Thank you so much for helping me!

  • The origin of the Autism Spectrum Quotient test is the Autism Research Centre (ARC) at . The different websites are confusing but they are basically all similar, I would try if you want to do it on line or you can do the paper version from ARC. There is an interesting review of it here:

    The Empathy Quotient I did via but it can also be done via the ARC website if you prefer paper format. 

    I also did the Aspie Quiz at which again there is a review of at if you are interested.

    There is also the Myers Briggs, which can be taken at various places including which can be useful in my view to see how one fits in with the spectrum, as I found I have traits that are and traits that aren't and that confused me until I looked at my personality trait. Similarly the Ennegram trifix can also be helpful in this regard, see for instance

    Although I have mentioned the RAAD-R I would put together a portfolio based on the above, as then that allows for a one to one interview and the RAAD-R if the psychologist of Psychiatrist thinks there is enough reason to test, it also allows for a controlled test. 

    Personally overall, and sorry for thinking as I type, just one of those days, I would start with a paper copy of the AQ-50 and the EQ and see what you score, then see where that leaves you. Mine was so clear cut, that although I just seem a little odd and at times rude, there was no doubt about it. Feel free to message me if you need more information. 

  • No problem, we are all here to help each other. 

  • Thank you so much for this information!

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