Decision making

How do you make a decision?

It seems like a simple question, but I have spent my entire life not knowing how.

If I am asked "what would you like to do today?" I always respond with "I don't mind."

This has caused people to get annoyed with me at times as they always seem to decide for me and I get frustrated at nott being able to make a choice.

It is like my brain becomes a fog of possibilities, both realistic and ridiculous, and I find it almost impossible to focus on any one of them.

It is especially difficult if I have to make a decision when I am on my own and have no one to bounce an idea off as I will over analyse to the point that I end up either doing nothing or making a poor decision because I have talked myself out of the sensible choice. Sometimes I am even aware that I might be making a mistake but carry on regardless, as it feels almost like a compulsion.

So, does anyone have any useful strategies to help them make decisions and to make the "what would you like to do?" question not feel like it has no answer.

  • decisions are made with the emotions, so you have to be able to feel what you feel, as i have the alexythemia thing where you can't hear your emotions i can't really do it, but don't use your head, you're barking up the wrong tree there. Head for money etc, otherwise just feelings - whether it's your sensory (what to eat?) or emotional

  • decisions are made with the emotions, so you have to be able to feel what you feel, as i have the alexythemia thing where you can't hear your emotions i can't really do it, but don't use your head, you're barking up the wrong tree there. Head for money etc, otherwise just feelings - whether it's your sensory (what to eat?) or emotional

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