Managing Shutdowns

Shutdowns are part of life. There are multiple root causes for a shutdown, including the result of sensory overload, physical and mental exhaustion, unexpected news, anxiety about an upcoming event, and upheaval in our schedule. Sometimes it comes in combination; other times it comes down to simply being “on” for so long, that we have no choice but to turn “off.”

Are you always aware that you are about to go into "shutdown"?

What strategies to you use to help recover from them?

How do you "resurface"

How do you describe what they are to others and try to manage their occurrence? 

  • I wish I could always have a healthy approach to them.  I don't have a bath, unfortunately - but a swim or a run often helps.  Especially a swim.  Can only really do that in summer, though.  I'm lucky enough to live just 200 yards from the sea, and it's a gentle enough coastline with no deep troughs or rip-tides.  At the moment, with high tides being about the right times each day, I'm managing morning and evening swims.  The water's generally quite warm, too - though most people would probably say it's 'freeeeezing!'  To me, it's the most wonderful thing to be in the water swimming along, then to just stop and turn over to float, looking up at the sky.  This morning it was raining, too - lovely, gentle, warm rain.  Passers-by must've thought I was nuts.  Well... so I am!  The water's usually fine from May until September.  In the winter - just when I need it most, really - I have to leave it.  I can't handle public baths.  Chemicals.  Noise.  And people, of course.

    Other times, I try to manage it with writing in some way - if I have the mental capacity for it.  Other than that... it's, I'm afraid, alcohol.  And then sleep.  I have a complicated relationship with alcohol.  I know it's a depressant.  I know it isn't good for me physically.  But actually, sometimes, I can drink myself to a stupor... and then awake feeling 'fixed' in some way.  It's like it's fused my circuit board, and the switches have all been reset.  I've never tried other drugs (okay, dope once... but it just made me laugh too much!), but I often wonder about some of the hallucinogenics.  Knowing my luck, I'd be a bad trip personality.  But I have friends who say it's been like mentally wiping the slate clean and refreshing it.  That would be nice.  I don't know so much about 'expansion of consciousness' - but then, I've never tried, so I wouldn't.

    Recovery?  I don't know.  It's just like a mood swing.  It eventually moves on.  Until the next one.

    You can't kidnap me, by the way.  The cat would starve! Slight smile

  • We'll have to kidnap Daisy as well! She'd like my Bengal! I also have Dreamies! So talk it through with her.

    Chances of expansive space are key whether it is an open sea, or an open landscape. For me, spending a week either behind a computer screen or in a classroom .... liberating space is crucial..but I don't get a chance to get out as much as I'd like!

    I to self medicate/ soothe with alcohol...namely to try to enforce relaxation and turn the volume knob of the brain down! With no one at home to de-stress after the day...a glass or two of wine, some headphones music to bring on positive vibes or to chill is a daily routine....

    like you, I am aware that this has (a) negative effects and (b) is not sustainable 

  • Pity about that! I too don't like public baths for the same reason but open air ones are ok if you are near one. The sea swims sound cathartic, I've read that before. I am more or less tee total for the same reasons you drink really. I don't like the feeling of alcohol and fear of it being another addiction but the occasional half or glass is fine. Space yes that does it for me , space at the coast or on the hills.. or woodland or by rivers. Or engrossed in a film or two or book if I can concentrate. I'm a dog girl rather than cats but my guinea pig has to surfice and is very cute. 

  • recombinantsocks said:
    Of course if you put two or more Aspie's together then you wouldn't have peaceful isolation but that is another problem altogether.


    can you explain.

  • It is alleged that Einstein was of the Myers Briggs type INTP i.e. approximately Asperger and that his ideal job would have been lighthouse keeper...

    Of course if you put two or more Aspie's together then you wouldn't have peaceful isolation but that is another problem altogether.

  • And island full of people get voted off - lol

  • just like Lord of the Flies! Whose Piggy! Lol

  • Channel 4 funding awaits...

  • Yes the price is incredible when you compare it like that. I bet a crowdfunding would be wacky enough to work lots of people wanting more space . Distracting yourself property hunting! I do that but hadn't thought of island hunting 

  • Sooooo tempting.....MartianTom, how much is your kidney worth...I have a thing about lighthouses btw

  • A whole island, though, for less than the price of a London flat...

  • Slight smile Think we might need a bigger one! But heartwarming idea.. 

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