PIP assessment. Argh. Any positive stories?

Hello Forum People. 

I had my dreaded PIP assessment for my renewal a week or so ago. I currently get the enhanced daily living component based on a previous mental health issues only diagnosis but since then I've been diagnosed with Asperger's.

The assessment was worse than I expected. I was constantly cut off mid way through explanations and rarely allowed to finish answering questions. When I was able to answer a bit more fully I was asked 'why' again and again: 'why was I not under the mental health team?', 'why did I not receive help from an Asperger's service?' and 'why could I not do x or y?' - all questions beyond my understanding or control (ie funding cuts mean there is not an adult Asperger's service in my area). 

I am now panicking...a lot. My ESA is tied into my PIP benefit. I can't face losing either, let alone both. 

My question is: has anyone had any kind of positive stories about PIP, especially after such a negative assessment experience? I hope so... 

Thank you. 

  • Hi Posting on behalf of my brother who has Depression , Anxiety and ASD he is on a list a of medications a consultant psychiatrist said they cant do anything for him no more and he will not be cured ever !  Now this morning the lovely people at the DWP sent a letter saying they are stopping his DLA and to ring up and apply for P.I.P. My elderly dad who is my brothers main carer rang them up the lady on the other end was RUDE / Ignorant and did not care she said " He will be assessed by one of our specialist doctors no matter what "  My brother is now locked in his room  crying and shaking he cannot face the forms or a assessment   .. My dad will not let him go through that or do not like seeing him so upset so only thing we can do is not fill the forms and let him lose his benefits my dad will lose his carer  allowance too !  Im so worried about my brother and his future as now he will have nothing x

  • so sorry to hear about your situation.  Has it been resolved?  

    I am currently trying to get PIP for my daughter and am at the Tribunal appeal stage.

    Wishing you well with your brother and father xx

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