I am at that stage were i need to wright my CV and at 18 im beging to wonder if I should put the fact that I have aspergers on my CV, but I'm worried if I do that i won't be able to get a job because of how crewl the world of work is to those with apergers and austim.

Don't get me worng I'm not looking for a part time job just yet but i like to be perpered for everything and anything that could come up

Has anyone else been in this situation before

[name removed by moderator]

  • once again thanks for al of your help thing is i'm not really that good at making video games as it is I have found one of my units at college hard which is all about programming and that was just using python, and with my job which i want there would be no need of a in depth understanding of aspergers, or at least I don't think so but with the way the world of work is my fear is that once people at wherever i end up working find out i could lose my job or people could pick on me. I know the law about disabilty discrimination but no doubht wherever I end up working will try to hide that reason and give another one.

  • once again thanks for al of your help thing is i'm not really that good at making video games as it is I have found one of my units at college hard which is all about programming and that was just using python, and with my job which i want there would be no need of a in depth understanding of aspergers, or at least I don't think so but with the way the world of work is my fear is that once people at wherever i end up working find out i could lose my job or people could pick on me. I know the law about disabilty discrimination but no doubht wherever I end up working will try to hide that reason and give another one.

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