Connectivity with others

I think that society has changed a very great deal from when I was young.

In some ways the internet has helped connectivity but I believe it has also hindered it.

In pre internet days people were thrown together (ie in person) probably much more than nowadays, leading to sometimes unexpected friendships/relationships.

How do people meet nowadays other than via dating apps?
For those of us who have lived through both eras, which do you prefer?
  • I agree that the internet has been a net negative in terms of its effects on the world. Alas, we cannot go back. And the old world had many weaknesses also.

    I am going to use the strengths of the internet to try and turn the world around.  If we don't use the internet to turn the world in a positive direction then I fear for the future of humanity.

    The internet can hand even the most isolated  people  real power.

  • I agree that the internet has been a net negative in terms of its effects on the world. Alas, we cannot go back. And the old world had many weaknesses also.

    I am going to use the strengths of the internet to try and turn the world around.  If we don't use the internet to turn the world in a positive direction then I fear for the future of humanity.

    The internet can hand even the most isolated  people  real power.
