gull identification

I thought this sort of thread might be helpful where not just myself but more so other  people can send photos of gulls that they see or ones they dont know what they are and I can help people identify them 

theres different species  of gulls. in the United Kingdom. some are 

of conservation concern and thefore on the red list like greater black backed gull and herring gull but now more sea birds are being put on the red list for conservation concern. with conservation species particularly flock species can apear to be doing well but unfortuantly just cause theres alot of birds in a flock doesnt mean there doing well aswell as the other way around too. Starlings  are noticable.  theres lots of them in a flock but less than generations ago  on average. with gulls they are too begining to decline and due to climate change, how abundant fish are in the sea, weather,good or bad breeding seasons,  amoung other factors aswell are responsible for declines in gulls and other seabird species.. although well known for stealing peoples food they just as certain other species can be very interesting

they have a complex social hirachy and communicate through certain types of calls that communicate certain messages and certain types of body language aswell. 

during breeding season. in herring gulls, lesser and balck backed there red spot on the bill serves a purpose for there chicks. the red on the bill cause the Chicks to instinctively touch the red spot with there beak to cause the parent to instinctively open its mouth and give it its food in the way they do. 

to those who arnt familer with gull identification they can look all the same but there actualy different species 

the most common gulls in the UK is 

lesser Black backed gull gray wings darker than herring gull and noticably lighter than greater black backed gull and yellow legs -not pale

greater Black backed gull -- pale legs dark blackish gray wingtips and largest gull species 

Herring gull light Blueish gray wings, pale legs 

Black headed gull smallest gull species. noticably smaller than the larger ones 

summer; Black head and face, light gray bluish wings, red legs, small red beak 

late summer early winter -below 

they gradualy  loose the black head and develop black spots on face, 

non breeding plummage 

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  • I dont know if that percentage is 100 percent acurate but im not surprised you have seen alot of juviniles. there will be alot of Juviniles  around at this time of year. 

     auto correct corrected Juviniles to Jubilies so I had to correct it