Time and autisim

Do you ver find if there's nothing to do time moves slow and it hurts your brain but if you enjoy something and take the time to enjoy each moment mindfully it slows time down in a fun way where you feel like an hour is a day a day like a week ect 

I have tried explaining this to people before everytime its oh yeah time goes slow if you clock watch... I'm not clock watching though I see the clock as I pass that's not clock watching 

Or they say oh no time flies when your having fun 

And people always describe mindfulness more like taking note of the taste of food never do they seem to mention helping time not fly away  if that makes sense 

The fun one is great but the boredom one I could do without 

  • My whole relationship with "time" in general, is super-weird.  I don't appear to "experience" "time" like "normal" people, whether ND or NT.  This feature of my life experience is NOT helpful, nor useful......it is merely a fact that confounds my understanding and keeps me "otherly." 

  • My whole relationship with "time" in general, is super-weird.  I don't appear to "experience" "time" like "normal" people, whether ND or NT.  This feature of my life experience is NOT helpful, nor useful......it is merely a fact that confounds my understanding and keeps me "otherly." 

  • Same. I don't feel time go slow, go fast, or medium-paced. I just keep chugging on the imaginary train of existence and time. Time can only move forwards, and remains constant. Any feelings of speed is up to perception and perspective. Time is a sad thing. It makes human goals feel real, but it ends many great things.

  • Sometimes I can judge time if you get what I mean like I'll be awake in bed and I'll struggle to sleep and i will guess its 1.30 and it  is but it's not even like it's a gift because it only happens in set situations I cant gauge how long a movie is or anything

    Tbh time is a man made thing it's really just a measurement of sun moon cycles so in places where the sun never sets or rises properly or during winter it's always not really going to be accurate it's just a man made concept so things like jobs can work other wise it would be like you csnt go home till you serve 10000 customers lol