Does Anyone Want to Chat?

If anyone wants a chat just send me a pm, i'll try to talk about any subject you want,  I'm feeling lonely and isolated today,  I've just sat in all day?

I wish this forum had a chat room , maybe its something that could be considered having

Can anyone play chess? 

  • As this is going to be a 'chat' I suggest creating a new post under this thread each time, rather than reply. Replies become a mess. I reckon it will be easier for Sphinx to follow too (am I right?)


    I hate phones/zoom too - ha ha.

  • As this is going to be a 'chat' I suggest creating a new post under this thread each time, rather than reply. Replies become a mess. I reckon it will be easier for Sphinx to follow too (am I right?)


    I hate phones/zoom too - ha ha.

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