Anyone else have an issue where they 'see' an image/idea in their head, before they are able to describe it in a concrete, linear way which others can understand?

Curious to know whether this is just my experience.

And if so, how you got round this?

  • I'm not sure if it's my autism or dyslexia, but when I read a sentence I build up a galaxy in my head of the words, the connections, the alternative meanings as I read each word in turn. I choose the most appropriate meaning of the words as the context builds in my head. As I build up the paragraph, I make more connections. And so on.

    If what I'm reading calls something a 'process' in one part and a 'recipe' in another, I get a headache because I can't work out from the context of both words if they are representing the same thing in the author's description, or if they are talking about something different. This makes it hard to explain how I have processed the information - because it really is over-thinking!!

    I find I struggle most with this at interviews.

    When I read fiction it seems easier because I can emotionally connect to the characters I build in my imagination.

  • I'm not sure if it's my autism or dyslexia, but when I read a sentence I build up a galaxy in my head of the words, the connections, the alternative meanings as I read each word in turn. I choose the most appropriate meaning of the words as the context builds in my head. As I build up the paragraph, I make more connections. And so on.

    If what I'm reading calls something a 'process' in one part and a 'recipe' in another, I get a headache because I can't work out from the context of both words if they are representing the same thing in the author's description, or if they are talking about something different. This makes it hard to explain how I have processed the information - because it really is over-thinking!!

    I find I struggle most with this at interviews.

    When I read fiction it seems easier because I can emotionally connect to the characters I build in my imagination.

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