what are your interests?

I got too  many interests to go through them all but one of the things i like is Pokemon. Pokemon has lots of life lessons in it for instance  about nature and the balance of nature aswell as phrases working towards goals and not giving up aswell as friendship and how you treat living things. alot of the pokemon are based on real animals like birds, butterflys, caterpillars aswell as other animals. aswell as trainers it has researchers who study and research them and ask trainers to catch as many pokemon as possible or give them to them to observe behaviors for each species and help with there research. they also go out themselfs and look for pokemon for research  and there is also photographers that take pictures of pokemon and artists that draw them. 

Pokemon was my main speacial interest when i was younger and saw it as like a teacher.  I also automatically subconciously gravitated towards  characters on tv that align with my gender identtiy rather than characters I didnt.  i didnt know the term for how i felt and exsperianced my gender identity back then nor did i understand it back then I also didn't understand why people  corrected me if i let them know my prefered pronouns. due to feelling uncomfortable with being called the other one.  I wasnt the only one that didnt understand back then and so usualy felt like the odd one out at school and college and in my family.

 I  was usualy behind my peers at school and college cause of my learning disability. although  teachers also played a role and helped support me at school and college with both my autism and learning disability   I looked up to pokemon alot and it helped me with my challanges ever since i was younger all the way through childhood and teen years up to now so it has had a very strong influence on my life I used to draw pokemon alot. and  alot of songs that the things im interested in  in cartoons and films im interested in usualy tend to have a common theme and there normaly motivational songs about things like making the world a better place, nature or working hard and  achieveing dreams and what not and also have an interest in folk music or music from different countrys and cultures. while songs with themes of romance or other songs that are popular on the radio on popular channels or on tv i dont like. alot of the cartoons and films i lke have comedy, action and Adventure also and there  ususaly directed and people younger than me. some interests i have liked are schooby doo, Beyblade, Ben 10, looney toons, the land before time aswell as others but pokemon and Harry potter were allways my main interest. I also like documentarys and like watching david Attenborough. i have also watched chris pacckham who is autistic.  but david Attenborough was my favourate. im also interested in history documentarys aswell. im still developing other interests but I have lots of interests so havnt listed all of them here. what are your interests? 

  • Hello.  thats cool. what is your favourate character in Harry Potter and Pokemon?

  • Hello! I love Harry Potter too - it is my main special interest. I also really enjoy Pokemon, though haven't played as many of the later games as I would like. I really like animals and reading about them, fantasy fiction books, Japanese culture location and language, and video games. 

  • I love ancient history. I like all sorts of history from different time periods. certain time periods i find more interesting than others but overall there very interesting.  especially anchient history and its interesting to find out what happened a long time ago. I have lots of books on history aswell as ones from  my other interests. some I can name is what happened where and when in the world which goes back to history.  I also have a book called History facts which goes through all the time periods and tell you all about them. I have other forms of history aswell like for instance the history of stonehenge and the history of gloucester cathedral aswell as books on places iv been to that tells you not just about the places but also the history aswell. I used to read them alot a couple of years ago.  i bought it a couple of years ago.  Im also interested in the history in a nature sense aswell as the history of the world and how time has developed since the 1990s or way before all the way up to now. I do find anchient history particularly interesting though including things like as an example the history of egypt and the pyramids and the mummy aswell as ancient civilizations and alot of things that have to do with anchient history. im interested in the history of most things im interested in aswell.  I particularly like watching documentarys about history. 

    I also do gardening cause i grow wildflowers in the garden for the wildlife 

  • Cooking and gardening (partucularly UK native plants, plus vegetables, fruit, herbs and edible flowers) for me too.

    Reading - I am more of a non-fiction fan.

  • Medieval history, ancient history, archaelogy, forensic archaelogy and anthropology.




    Reading, mostly crime fiction, but some historical fiction and of course books relating to my interests above.

  • I have a toy chest in my mind full of interests. I have a lot and now I older I go rummage around and pull one out and put another one back in. I also have a mental file cabinet full of special interest subjects I do the same with. At the moment.....

    from the file cabinet. a study of Yods in the astrology charts of natural disasters and their role in the collective psyche.

    adding to my toy trunk: New routine added to my circuit at the gym.

  • Brilliant! SunglassesThumbsupMy favourite Digimon of all time is MetalGreymon. Sweat smile Pokémon Yellow was cute, I loved how you could talk ti Pikachu as well lol Silver was brilliant because of the night and day cycle, the colours we awesome too. Heart eyes

  • My interests are quite extensive. But my top ones would be. 1. Listenin to music (mainly rock) 2. watching videos (youtube) and 3.  random encounters with strange women, but it's a difficult hobby to keep up with, and kinda hard to indulge in

  • Somebody gave it me, Otherwise i woudlnt have bought it. Black and white gameboy pocket. It was like 2001 I can't really remember that much.

  • the gameboy color used to be my favourate I liked the gameboy advance aswell though. for me I hadnt heard of the gathering and Warhammer.  but Digimon was one of my favourates aswell as pokemon.I have got a digimon dvd  and I got digimon  trading cards cause  I used to collect them. and   I used to watch it alot. with Pokemon though  Iv tryed to collect every series and wanted to get  every game. Pokemon yellow was one of my favourates aswell. I liked that you could walk around with pikachu. 

  • Pokemon silver was my favourate aswell although my favourate was pokemon Gold and silver rather than just Pokemon Silver. I liked the night and day aswell cause it would go by the time on your console and it depends  on the time of day to what Pokemon come out. if your device was set to the actual time in real life and you wouldnt to fiind  a pokemon that is found in the daytime you would have to look for it during the day but if it is nocturnal then you have to wait until the evening when it gets dark on your game. it used to  only be played on gameboy colour and gameboy advance. then it got introduced to Nintendo ds and then it could be played on Nintendo switch aswell. 

  • Pokémon is very awesome. I used to own the entire 90s base set. The games were good too, I liked Pokémon Yellow and Crystal on GameBoy colour. Then a former friend introduced me to Magic The Gathering in 1999, still love playing a game or two with my daughter to this day. I taught her too well! Laughing In 2018 - 2022 I became interested in Warhammer 40,000 and collecting & playing retro games on their respective consoles and more, I also have too many interests to count. Digimon is my favourite anime too. SunglassesThumbsup

  • I loved Pokemon Silver when i was a kid. Loved how it changed from night mode to day mode depending on what time you played it. Anyway that was along ago. I would play it for hours and hours. Obsessive.