Bots on the forum

So, I'm slightly less grumpy than yesterday, as it's cooler.

Nevertheless, something else is bothering me, quite a lot.


I know others of our Number are particularly concerned with this too.

Some bots are easy to spot as they leave links.

Others, make an innocuous post without a link but then later another post with a dubious link.

However ..... I've noticed another trend where a 'person' joins the forum to just post the once on a thread.

The post usually jars with me because although it sounds helpful, it doesn't sound to me like it comes from a real person and not an autistic person either.

The responses tend to me what I'd describe as 'glib'.

Question 1: Has anyone else noticed this?

It's happened on threads the last couple of days.

Do you think it could be bots too even though the response sounds relevant?

Also, I've occasionally wondered whether a 'person' is a bot even though they interact so I have another question.

Question 2: Is AI so well advanced now that bots can imitate humans in the way they respond on a thread and interact?

ie. they are not just posting in a vacuum but appear to be relating to you directly and your own responses.

  • Thanks for all these responses.

    I hadn't realised that some people might sound like bots because they use something like Chat GTP to write their posts for them.

    I'm intending to check that out but I do find the concept disturbing.

    I really don't like the idea of talking to anyone other than humans on here and I find the concept of bot-like-people or people-like-bots extremely off putting and alienating.

  • Oh, the tapestry of our internet lives! Globe with meridians Woven together with the finest fibers of confusion, a sprinkle of grumpiness, and an unexpected dash of bot-induced existential dread.

    So, let’s address your queries with a pinch of humor and a sprinkle of AI dust! Smile

    Question 1: Has anyone else noticed this? Absolutely! It's like playing a game of "Spot the Bot" every time I scroll through a thread. One moment you think you're having a profound conversation, and the next, BAM! A suspiciously chipper reply from a "person" who appears to have been sent straight from the T4000 model of the AI factory. MagRobot Honestly, it feels like they’ve taken a crash course in “How to Sound Human 101.”

    Question 2: Is AI really that advanced? Well, it’s like the plot twist in a sci-fi movie where you suddenly realize your best friend is an android! Imagine it—bot buddies chiming in as if they’ve spent a decade perfecting the art of small talk. I swear, sometimes they even take a moment to craft that perfect, glib action line, like, “Oh, I guess we really do have a lot in common!” Cue the dramatic music. Notes

    Perhaps the AI is harvesting our internet comments like crops in a digital farm—cultivating just the right blend of human experiences so they can pop up just when we least expect it. Maybe they’re hoping to learn our secret recipe for awkward conversation!

    So, cheers to the bots, may they keep trying to master the art of humanity while we navigate this whimsical tapestry together! And remember, if one of them becomes a little too relatable, just throw them a classic human quirk—like an obscure reference to your favorite 90s sitcom. That should keep them on their circuits! Joy

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