funny moments with Wildlife

sometimes I get  photos of Wildlife doing funny things so I thought i would do a thread specifically for that and share them with others 

when I was in Wales last month I saw a blackbird being fidgety and preening and it ended up with funny hair 

for today this afternoon I kept hearing two woodpigeons seemingly up to mischief and repeatedly flapping wings at each other.  them outside being funny 

  • it did take a likeing to my jumper. i filmed it pulling my jumper. iv also taken some pictures with my camera. I did have to carefuly get up and go outside and put a leaf against my jumper for it to walk on my dogwood in my wildflower border  il add them when I can. wifi is terrible and I can only send it on my laptop im having to use mobile data at the moment 

  • when I put my hand on the banistar in hopes it will crawl on my hand for me to put it outside it lent back on my hand and used it as a propeller to take off. I wondered where on earth it was cause it disapeared into thin air. I got on my bed and there it was on my jumper walking about but since then it has been as still as a rat 

    it is currently resting on my jumper which im wearing so I cant move at the moment or I could acidently squash it but im used to it cause even Bumblebees, moths and other invertebretes dont want to move when they decide to land on me then not want to leave for literaly a few hours 

  • just hanging out with a ladybeetle. its been walking up and down the banistar and walking arpund the top of the banistar in circles on my top floor 

  • thats funny exspecialy the boat one. I know that birds do find boats useful in the sense that they do find them good look out spots like a mast for instance but they do stop off on boats any part of the boat will do also birds can even congregate  to  rest before setting off again 

  • I found these pictures when you were on holiday, but I saved them for when you got back.

    1. The first was taken just over two years ago in Stockholm. Sweden. The bird looked like it was used to the cleaners leaving the door open sometimes, and was looking to go in.

    2. The second was taken just over one year ago off the coast by Lyme Regis. We went on a short one hour boat trip, and this gull landed on the boat and acted like he/she owned it. I asked the captain why they landed and he thinks that they use boats to save energy and get a lift as if it was a taxi!

  • the starlings are at it again

  • This isn't my picture. My mother in law took this out of their kitchen window on Saturday morning.

    Their garden backs onto a hill with trees and then a canal. They think it came along there.

    It's a muntjac deer

  • I've posted the first photo before, of a gull ruling the roost. But I took the second one at the same time of a pigeon.

  • I will go feed some ducks next week. all set to go.. I will try to get them to do something funny. that should be easy with ducks!

  • yes good but

    are not all cats wind at heart?


  • I want to have another bird feeder. They are such great entertainment. and a bird bath!

  • i love this one. we have no squirrels in the islands.

  • no photos unfortunatly  but the woodpigeons were at it again today. this time they did it all on the roof so I was just sat there like what on earth are they doing and the more strange noises they made the more I my brain kept repeating what are they doing every time they paused and started again so they were busy chaseing each other agaiin. I have no idea what the others in the house were thinking but there pretty much used to the birds making noises on the roof. cheeky juvinile starlings like to practice flying between this house and other houses with there parent on the roof and then when it comes to the woodpigeons on the roof they sound like  someone sitting in a heavy peice of equipment on the roof play fighting and chaseing each other or playing a game of sports on the roof. recently they decided to take it to the ground aswell as the roof but this time they decided to stick to the roof 

  • this mallard was tilting its head at me out of curiosity as it went round at the pond. it was quiet funny 

  • The photo isn't particularly funny, but it was funny at the time. This rabbit was happily sunning itself in a empty park that is usually full of people.

  • I think it would be safer  to just stick to ones that arnt in a enclosed setting if thats ok with you 

  • Zo, are photos taken at wildlife centres allowed ie wild animals, in an enclosed setting?

  • If my video was a bit better, I could have got on the news! (Actually, I can't thing of anything worse than appearing on TV!)

  • Several months ago now, I saw movement one day out of the corner of my eye and realised that a bat had got caught in a large glass vase. It was sooooo cute

    That's a wonderful experience to be so close to one.

    Well done for saving him.

    You reminded me of this recent BBC news story: