Dealing with the locall council...

I just want to hear from ayone who has experieced council property issues, and have engaged in their complaints process. To date, I've found it to be extremely stressful, attempting to engage with what I can only describe as complete unprofessionalism on their part. One of the issues is noise pollution, that affects my hearing condition: Hyperacusis, however, I havn't disclosed ASD, and wondered if I should, or would it make any difference... - I'll leave at at that for now. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi There,

    I am Mr CPW and council issue man .CPW stands for community protection warning.I am afraid I am going to be truthful with you.

    My experience is that dealing with the council is a humiliating ugly and stressful experience.I am Autistic have OCD and anxiety.The council with me say they understand and want to help yet when I ask for their policy on Autism they do not seem to have one.

    When I have said that the issues with my neighbours are caused by the council not understanding how neurodivergent people see the world they discount this and expect me to engage how non neuro/ non mentally ill people should behave.

    With councils what they do is they have issues they think are trendy and will help with but our world they do not.In theory we qualify for blue badge under hidden disability hate that term yet to qualify you would have the temperament of being a banned driver!

    So on the helpful side-

    1- Do not give up.

    2- Get themes of all the senior people in your council and send them a polite email outlining your concerns.

    3- Ask your local MP to help.

    4- If you get no where there is an ombudsman that will look at your complaint.

    This will not be quick but please do not give up and keep us posted.

    I am so sorry for this and councils should know better

  • Hi There,

    I am Mr CPW and council issue man .CPW stands for community protection warning.I am afraid I am going to be truthful with you.

    My experience is that dealing with the council is a humiliating ugly and stressful experience.I am Autistic have OCD and anxiety.The council with me say they understand and want to help yet when I ask for their policy on Autism they do not seem to have one.

    When I have said that the issues with my neighbours are caused by the council not understanding how neurodivergent people see the world they discount this and expect me to engage how non neuro/ non mentally ill people should behave.

    With councils what they do is they have issues they think are trendy and will help with but our world they do not.In theory we qualify for blue badge under hidden disability hate that term yet to qualify you would have the temperament of being a banned driver!

    So on the helpful side-

    1- Do not give up.

    2- Get themes of all the senior people in your council and send them a polite email outlining your concerns.

    3- Ask your local MP to help.

    4- If you get no where there is an ombudsman that will look at your complaint.

    This will not be quick but please do not give up and keep us posted.

    I am so sorry for this and councils should know better

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