What's the best book you've read recently on understanding ASD, and finding strategies to better manage symptoms?

I've just freed up some space on my bookshelf for some new books, and was wondering? 

I've bought Tony Attwood's 'Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome' which I've really enjoyed. From what I've read of it so far, its factually based, easy to read and also gives workable strategies to manage symptoms. Out of all the chapters I've read I personally relate to the one written on emotions the most.

Are there any other books you'd recommend? I'd prefer to read books which don't understand the condition from a 'I'm on a spectrum, and this is my lived experience activist mentality'  but more from scientific perspective or from the perspective of a phycologist/psychiatrist 

Personally I'm high functioning. I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was 5, and Dyspraxia when I was a teenager. As an adult, I've had no issues whatsoever with managing money, cooking for myself or my work ethic or education (I have a high 2:1 Masters degree). Reason why I ask is that I've had depression/anxiety for a number of years and have been unable to work since finishing my degree, (although I have applied for over 100 jobs without much success). My psychiatrist (NHS with 30+ years experience) is thinking that my Autism might be exacerbating my low mood (rigid thinking), particularly when I shared my history of past self-esteem and bullying during my teenage years. 

  • What is your degree in?

  •  City and Regional Planning

  • perfect fit, mate!

  • Interesting.....

  •     this is one of my superpowers, apparently. I can't explain it exactly: I  see a set of details and my mind begins to extrapolate somehow, seeing more than I am fully conscious of, meaning some of my brain gears just start to whir up faster and faster than light and spin up an image for me.

          It's usually right or close. It happens so fast the rest of my brain is still playing catch-up as it comes spilling it's out of my mouth (or fingers as the typing may be).

      In your case...

      You like to plan for a future you see and then implement changes to accommodate those desired changes. You create place holders for those future things and are process oriented, focused on your goal.

    You also think outwardly, into the environment.

    So planning environments.

    You are also, probably a uniquely gifted problem solver! You may simply be hungry for a challenge.

    Have you thought of reclamation work on compromised environments like landfills, pacific garbage patches, slag heaps or space junk retrieval (which is an up and coming field!

    These are the hard but essential areas of focus needed right now.

    Stock tip - "Astroscale"


  • Why do you say that out of curiousity?

    As it happens I agree with you, and have my reasons, but interested to know why you specifically think this?+

Reply Children
  • Interesting.....

  •     this is one of my superpowers, apparently. I can't explain it exactly: I  see a set of details and my mind begins to extrapolate somehow, seeing more than I am fully conscious of, meaning some of my brain gears just start to whir up faster and faster than light and spin up an image for me.

          It's usually right or close. It happens so fast the rest of my brain is still playing catch-up as it comes spilling it's out of my mouth (or fingers as the typing may be).

      In your case...

      You like to plan for a future you see and then implement changes to accommodate those desired changes. You create place holders for those future things and are process oriented, focused on your goal.

    You also think outwardly, into the environment.

    So planning environments.

    You are also, probably a uniquely gifted problem solver! You may simply be hungry for a challenge.

    Have you thought of reclamation work on compromised environments like landfills, pacific garbage patches, slag heaps or space junk retrieval (which is an up and coming field!

    These are the hard but essential areas of focus needed right now.

    Stock tip - "Astroscale"
