To go out, or not to go out. That is the question.

I'm bored. Ya know, It feels so hot  right now, and not very comfortable here in UK. (Despite efforts at  cross ventilation.)

Even though I hate pubs, drinking  and socializing, I'm almost forced to go out. ( I have OCD, ADHD, and various disorders...)

It's the dilemma I face everyday. Stay inside and watch youtube, do nothing. Or go out and talk to people. ( I  just want sex, i don't care for chit chat.)

I know people...strange people, some even dangerous. But I wouldn't call them friends.

How do you cope?

(Autism is basically, a social curse and black mark against a person. It really is one of the worst things ever.)

  • You sound like me about ten years ago,  Ended up becoming a recluse in the end. Now I'm scared to go out at all.  Definitely persevere with NT's if you can.  Stay away from bad influences though and try not to get drawn to people who are edgy.

  • You sound like me about ten years ago,  Ended up becoming a recluse in the end. Now I'm scared to go out at all.  Definitely persevere with NT's if you can.  Stay away from bad influences though and try not to get drawn to people who are edgy.

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