Does anyone else buy lots of the same items of clothing ?

If I find a top I like, usually black or navy plain and stretch comfy material for example.  I will buy 5 or more of them so I can keep wearing them without having to wear different clothing. 

Does anyone else do this?

  • No I don't, I like to wear different clothes according to mood and season and in different colours. I don't have the money to buy multiples of things and I wear my clothes to death.

    I have similar problems with nylon fabrics, they make me come over all peculiar, give me electric shocks and make my teeth hurt.

  • Me too! After years of uniforms at school then working in a shop, I don't like anything that smacks of a uniform (removal of freedom of choice, and homogeneity). I might wear the same clothes for a week if they don't need washed, but I prefer wearing different colours, and rarely match anything. I have one style of top in 3 different colours, but they are similar design not identical. They will be worn until they have holes and are falling to bits.

    I don't like wearing man-made fibres, and try to stick to cotton, cotton jersey materials. Nylon, including tights, are horrible next to my skin. Wools and mohair are pretty jaggy too.

  • I love woollens, mohair I'm not as keen on around my face as I end up with bits in my mouth. Jaggy's a good word for nasty fabrics.

    I will need a load of new winter clothes as nearly all of mine are worn out, I just hope I don't spend another winter in mens tracky bottoms because they're all I can find to fit.

  • I love woollens, mohair I'm not as keen on around my face as I end up with bits in my mouth. Jaggy's a good word for nasty fabrics.

    I will need a load of new winter clothes as nearly all of mine are worn out, I just hope I don't spend another winter in mens tracky bottoms because they're all I can find to fit.
