Struggling to get over block in visiting GP services

Hi there, 

Apologies if this has been covered already - I figure its not a too unfamiliar exception that some additional views couldn't hurt. Don't feel obliged to answer all of the questions. TIA

Getting to the point - I am writing to see if any ND/Autistic folks have been able to use something like an advocate for when you want to visit the GP, arrange appointments? 

First Question: I am recently late diagnosed Autistic womxn, and so unsure what support is available. Unsure if it is better to try and recruit a friend as a advocate while visiting GP. (Not entirely sure how possible that will be for me.)

Personally, I struggle just to book an appointment, probably based off of years of painful interactions and dismissals, that either felt like I was being gaslit about potential issues, or like I was trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. (couldn't think of a better analogy.

One of the last experiences I had, the GP said I needed to forget about having previously been diagnosed a Hormonal Disorder in relation to pelvic pain- despite it being something that can develop into further complications if untreated...

I know this isn't an uncommon experience, but it's got to the point I feel I have too many potential issue's I should visit the GP about, I do not know where to start. 

Things around not breathing well, also loss of smell, (followed by appetite for around a year)

Severe fatigue 

Constantly feeling unwell

To me, if feels it makes sense to mention these things together, but its possible, because I have scripted beforehand, I do not feel I have said all I needed to say, and get caught off gaurd by random questions from the GP.

Second Question: How can I, as a younger woman with a mostly disguised presentation of Autism, advocate for myself, or speak to the surgery about this issue, as I know as I get older, it could be even more important. - It took me 2-3 years to build up the courage to suggest to a GP I think I am Autistic, just as an idea of where I am at. 

Last question: What solutions, techniques have other folks tried with some success?

Thank you in advance for reading. 


  • I haven’t used an advocate no. I would just go myself personally because that’s what I am used to. It depends what you want an advocate for. Do you want the advocate to speak on your behalf etc? If you think it will help you should go for it! There is a lot of support out there. It’s about knowing exactly what you need or even think you need. 

  • I haven’t used an advocate no. I would just go myself personally because that’s what I am used to. It depends what you want an advocate for. Do you want the advocate to speak on your behalf etc? If you think it will help you should go for it! There is a lot of support out there. It’s about knowing exactly what you need or even think you need. 

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