Calling all crisp addicts.

I am a self confessed addiction,  I can eat a 12 pack in one day.

Here is a new flavour, Creamy forest mushroom.

Anyone have other unusual flavours?

  • Can the crisp craving be in relation to needing the crunchy texture too?  I've found I need crunchy food.  

  • I remember those and their still around 

  • Anyone remember the blue packets  of salt?

  • I haven’t tried this flavour as I really didn’t fancy it but years ago walkers brought out roasted raccoon flavour crisps. I’m not a fan of any fancy flavours just give me salt and vinegar which is my favourite or cheese and onion or ready salted any day. 

  • Two thoughts ran through my mind when I saw the photo. The first being that I would never want to eat a packet of mushroom-flavoured crisps, and the second being that £2 seems incredibly expensive for a packet of Walker's/Lay's crisps - even if they are an unusual flavour.

    Yesterday, my son bought me a 70g packet of Walker's ready salted. On the packet it stated that the Recommended Retail Price was £1.25.

    With crisps, I tend to stick to flavours that I know I like. I did go through a phase of buying multipacks, and would devour the lot within a couple of days. Now, it is rare for me to eat more than one packet in a day.

  • I've tried Lay's "Cucumber" and Lay's "Tomato Tango." They tastes exactly like those vegetables, respectively (or rather, they're both technically fruits, lol). So if you like CucumberTomato, then you'll like the crisps. If you don't, then you won't like 'em.

  • When I was growing up Golden Wonder was really popular and really there no Walkers brand/Lays in the UK. I felt like Walkers was a bit too thick for me and preferred Golden Wonder. I used to like as a child Sausage and tomato Golden Wonder and Cheese flavour as well. I also used to like as a child beef and onion Smiths crisps. I was always more of a savoury person and didn't like really chocolate as a child. I used to like beef monster munch as well, but the taste has changed a bit now. I was partial to Tangy Toms as well and bacon crisps fries as well. I liked it when there was multiple flavours of Wotsits. I find this revival of Prawn Cocktail Wotsits a bit too over seasoned for me. I used to like the barbecue ones as well. 

    Now, I would say my favourite crisps was Quavers Prawn Cocktail. I quite like Prawn Crackers from Sainsbury's, but I get  it so infrequently now.

  • Robert 124 I have had a thing for crisps since about 8. Meeting with an old school friend at 51 they even commented that I have always liked crisps. I want to say something your first post I stared at it. Those flavours I thought may be Lays is American then I thought may be Spanish as I saw them sold in Spain to with Paprkia as well. Then I saw £2 and I laughed in the UK. Those are some unique flavours.

    I am going to think about my favourite crisps and return to this thread. I have had some through the years.

    Who remembers Burger Bites and  Cheesebuerger Quaterbacks. I will leave it on that for now.

  • I think Lays bought the Walkers name.

    Walkers was acquired by Pepsico in 1989 and chose to keep the UK branding going because it had such high market recognition here.

    The Lays name had been in use outside the UK since 1970 when Walkers was sold to an American company called Standard Brands (who were acquired by Pepsico in 1989) and they used the Lays name to market outsude the UK as it had more market recognition there.

    The product uses the Walkers process but the UK crisps are a bit different to the rest of the world (think US, Canada and Australia moslty) due to different local tastes.

    I have found them here in Brazil and can confirm they taste close enough to Walkers to keep me happy.

  • Anyone have other unusual flavours?

    Torres seem to be more common now - they even have them in WH Smiths at Heathrow.

    I really like the Jamon flavour (dry cured ham) as it actually tastes like the original product - something most meat flavour crisps fail at.

    Then there is the fried egg crisps - quite tasty but not in the same league as the ham ones:

  • I couldn’t survive without crisps - they are the best thing ever! Salt & vinegar is by far my favourite, but I like them all. 
    Quite addicted to these herb flavour crisps at the moment 

  • 'm a Golden Wonder man! I love the tomato ketchup but like most except just 'salted'

  • I love crisps.

    I remember when it was just ready salted, salt & vinegar and cheese & onion.

    I remember when Monster Munch first came out - they were 7p when crisps tended to be 5p, but were so worth it.

    Sadly, I can't have any that contain onion powder and some other things - which is most of the good flavours. But I can still eat the Walkers Salt & Vinegar. I currently have a bit of a Wotsits addiction.

  • I don't eat them much but prawn cocktails are amongst my favourites to eat. Walkers are the God's amongst crisps Grin

  • Currently in France and have both a black olive flavour and a pesto and mozzarella flavour in the cupboard, both are delicious

  • I think Lays bought the Walkers name.

  • Is that the American version of walkers? I love monster munch pickled onion the most :3