Communication deficit, so why then do we understand each other?

These concepts have been bugging me so can others share their experiences if not too upsetting in order that I can form a clearer picture of myself?

I used to be on here a long time ago under another name (H) but had to leave because I got very ill.  I'm much better now so decided to come back here as I missed the interactions and honest discussions about things that aren't discussed in the "real" world if it can be called that - eye roll.

I find I communicate best on here and in my day to day life with people who are quirky and not run of the mill.  My daughter who is 13 and diagnosed Autistic reckons I'm weird like her as she puts it and so we are happy in our own little weird bubble.  I no longer see it as an insult as it used to be when I was growing up.  I got called weird a lot but always thought it was the other person who had the issue and not me because to me they were like carbon copies of each other which I hated.  Okay so back to the point.  As I explained in a previous post, the psychiatrist who undertook my Autistic assessment said I had too much reciprocal conversation to be Autistic but that I had many traits of Autism.  He also said it likely that my daughter would "grow out" of Autism as she learnt the skills to function in society.  I personally found that unbelievable and insulting because why would I want her to not be herself anymore and I thought Autism is genetic so you can't grow out of it (neuroplasticity could make symptoms change though)...  I think perhaps he was meaning that she'd be better able to cope as she knows herself and the world moving forward.  What confuses me is that:

  1. I think I can read people and pick up on their vibes but I wonder if that really is the case because body language can vary greatly meaning different things according to each person.  E.G. I had a friend who would smile when she was explaining something sad because she wanted to make the other person feel more comfortable.  I also knew someone who had few facial expression so had to ask them how they were since it wasn't obvious to anyone.  I see on here that people are very perceptive but the psychiatrist told me Autism is a social communication issue where reciprocal conversation doesn't happen.  I don't see that here at all and I don't think it's as cut and dry as that.  I see loads of people everyday who tell you all about themselves then don't leave enough time for me to let them know how I am, that's poor communication in my mind.  I think people here are much more careful to check and support each other and to make sure they're saying the right things.  Is the communication aspect another myth where Autistic people actually do have reciprocal communication and can read how another person is?
  2. Is the eye contact thing also a myth?  My daughter has no problem with eye contact unless she's feeling shy of a stranger so gives fleeting eye contact.  I'm on the other end of the spectrum where I find eyes beautiful so have to make sure I don't give too much eye contact.  Couldn't too much eye contact be an Autistic thing?
  3. If I'm having a current obsession then I wait in conversation for the opportunity to steer the conversation towards that topic because I want to connect with the person and share my passion.
  4. Why is it when I am with a certain type of person that we can chat for long periods of time and feel intense connection despite being strangers?  I love those moments.  They happen at complete random times and fill me with enthusiasm and motivation.  The guy who delivers my organic food  and I put the world to rights.  I relish such deep conversations because superficial ones don't scratch that itch for me but I like them sometimes for a little connection.
  5. Is Autism becoming too broad a term for describing loads of different facets of a person or is it better to have acronyms which confuse me as with LGBTQIA+ where is seems the whole alphabet will be in there unless shortened to Queer.  My head spins with analysing this all - HELP....
  • The big font and five questions format really isn't making it an easy thing to answer all five of your questions...

    1. I can't read faces for *** but I can often read peoples intent. I've also developed excellent dishonesty / manipulation detection skills 

    2. I have a hypothesis that we all have a certain level of subtle communication going on (perhaps rupert sheldrake's ted talks are right?) and the eyes are the conduit of it. I further believe that us Autists are "fairly deaf" in this way, (based on my own experience, and a little observation) which puts ut at a disadvantage which is most acute during eye to eye type interactions. JUst spitballing, here.

    3. It's a gamble, but it beats having nothing to say.

    4. Stop messing about and ask him out...

    5. Autism is dead easy to spot but hard to define (because of it's nature!) I'm already presenting a challenge to NT's by being different, and requiring acceptance, like you point out, there's no advantage to be had in saddling them with a load of subdivisions...

  • The big font and five questions format really isn't making it an easy thing to answer all five of your questions...

    1. I can't read faces for *** but I can often read peoples intent. I've also developed excellent dishonesty / manipulation detection skills 

    2. I have a hypothesis that we all have a certain level of subtle communication going on (perhaps rupert sheldrake's ted talks are right?) and the eyes are the conduit of it. I further believe that us Autists are "fairly deaf" in this way, (based on my own experience, and a little observation) which puts ut at a disadvantage which is most acute during eye to eye type interactions. JUst spitballing, here.

    3. It's a gamble, but it beats having nothing to say.

    4. Stop messing about and ask him out...

    5. Autism is dead easy to spot but hard to define (because of it's nature!) I'm already presenting a challenge to NT's by being different, and requiring acceptance, like you point out, there's no advantage to be had in saddling them with a load of subdivisions...

  • It does appear far too large text but I needed it to decipher what I was typing and editing - I appreciate your answer as it's very interesting.  To comment on 4, I don't fancy him in that way as I prefer women and even if I did, he has a partner.  Thanks for the nudge of confidence though. :-) So good to hear from you again. :-)