Return of yellow tree

Hi yellow tree (myself) has decided to come back on the forums. I felt I had to update the people on here about some stuff. First of all I don’t know what happened a few weeks ago. Without going back into it and opening up a can of worms, I thought about it and thought the people that like me on here would miss me. I spent some time away from the forums and found I missed helping people on here. I clicked on these forums and seen that people might need might help I guess. Miscommunications happen all the time we probably got mixed up. I wanted to update you all anyway. So I stopped some meds and found out they weren’t causing my myoclonus and tremors. So it’s definitely GABA related. So I started taking B6 tablets again these increase GABA anyways. But some of these psych drugs they give you don’t always get to the root cause you know? Anyway how have you all been I’ve missed you! Especially Irishin Manchester I am wondering how you have been doing. No time for being negative I don’t why I left I just let some negative people bring me down I shouldn’t have done that and I regret it but never the less let’s bring up the positive vibes for everyone. Yayy!! 

  • Yeh good point. I’ve been taking B6 since I was 16 helped me through some rough times I must admit. But yeh it’s not a fix all nothing is.

  • Careful with taking B6. It is one of the only B vitamins you can have too much of, which can lead to neurological problems or irreversible nerve damage. B6 is abundant in meat, vegetables and fruit, so deficiency is rare.

  • Regarding "miscommunication" - I thought it'd be really good if a Forum, Message Board or App existed that the only way you could communicate on it would be to speak.  So you could only ever leave voice messages.

    I imagine that it'd be really good!! I often think the way that people read stuff and the way that it was written are rarely ever the same.

    Consider a statement like "I didn't say he stole the money."

    Depending on the emphasis of any of the words in the sentence it means different things

    I didn't say he stole the money. (Someone else said it.)
    I didn't say he stole the money. (I implied it.)
    I didn't say he stole the money. (He borrowed it.)
    I didn't say he stole the money. (But he did steal something else.)

    Language is a minefield waiting to blow your leg off!!

    Welcome back to the family Yellow Tree Blush

  • Good to have you back.  I have mld tardive dyskinesia from my meds, so can understand your concerns. I hope you have a good day today and look forward to reading your posts. xx