Finding work

I'm sure I'm not alone with this issue, I have struggled immensely in jobs, feeling either overwhelmed by the atmosphere or confused by people's social dialect.

I recently lost my job on 13/05/2024 as my employer was a charity but extremely target driven, I struggled compared to others I could do the job but no where near as fast and If I rushed because of targets my quality would drop so inevitably I was laid off effectively immediately on that day.

I don't know if it is just me but all my jobs seem to get worse, either stress or in some occasions bullies that laugh at me for not understanding their sarcasm because I can be quite literal with understanding and response.

I would love to find something I flourish in most likely on my own because I know that's when I think better but I am finding it so hard to find people that want me, other than those that want a box filled.

I have an interview with the police but that could be weeks or months (and no guarantee) I don't know and without work i become stir crazy, I should rephrase that as financial security.

This really gets me down having no worth especially when my children ask me when am I going to work, my stomach turns and in those moments I don't want to be here Sob 

I just want to fit in without feeling like I'm weird or being laughed at for talking too much, losing this current job has made me look at my life and I don't know what to do with it Disappointed I am one of those people that gets purpose from working and even more from helping others but it's finding someone to take the chance and let me grow how I grow.

Can anyone help at all ?

This is where I would love to run a disability run businesses finding the right role for everyone, I believe it's more than possible for all of us to find something but fitting in is something else Disappointed

  • Talk to some recruitment agents in the areas you're skilled for and are interested in. Also look at temp work, particularly office based temp work as a good way to not only get out of the house but also explore different office environments.

  • Talk to some recruitment agents in the areas you're skilled for and are interested in. Also look at temp work, particularly office based temp work as a good way to not only get out of the house but also explore different office environments.

  • Thanks for the reply Paul, I have been down that route before and I hate the lack of security and my previous role was in a office and it certainly was not me.

    It's not saying office work is out ruled I just struggle to concentrate in busy loud environments and I was dealing with a lot of important things in my previous role but it was to much to concentrate.

    If I had the confidence (and money)I would 100% try to start up my dream business and would have no issues as it would be a disability based business, but until that pipe dream it's a case of finding that job that iDisappointed fit in, focus and thrive in, I'm sure I'm not alone with this struggle, I've had many jobs but most of them I've dealt with a lot of bullying, ridicule or exclusion, all I want is to feeDisappointedl like everyone else in the work place and fit in Disappointed