I have always had an internal voice like a narrator in my head of my own voice

Hi everyone 

Through out my life because of my autism I have always had an internal voice like a narrator in my head of my own voice.  I find it really difficult to switch off as it constantly scripting future conversations with people.  I have try doing mindful activities to make it stop and it make hard to sleep at night.  I was wondering if anyone had advice on it?  

  • The most shocking thing to me - more shocking than the possibility that there may be alien life out there - is that there are people who do *not* have an internal monologue. I can't wrap my head around that. I spend every day (and most of the night) bickering with myself and over-analysising and ruminating and conjuring the worst and the best case scenarios. Being autistic is exhausting.

  • So generally are we saying that NT’s don’t self talk or have I misunderstood that? I have had my own voice in my head for as long as I can remember. This is usually re runs of past events and going through a story of what may happen at a social event or get together. As Rainbow said it’s my voice but in my head. I am alone most days when at work and very often talk to myself a lot. I’m just wondering if I’m actually having a conversation with that internal voice now. Think I must look into this and pay a bit more attention. The voice is very repetitive as well which can be annoying and can get stuck on the same thing for quite some time. I do the same with music I like all the time, I will play over and over until I’ve exhausted myself and then I can move on.

  • I do the same with movies ones I really like I will play over again. 

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