Pip appointment companion

I have a face to face pip assessment which has been scheduled for me to attend. There's an option for a companion if needed to accompany me,but I haven't got anyone in "real life".

Is there any service for autistic adults which helps in these situations, in regard to appointments as I can't see anything and feel there must be something available!

Many Thanks 


  • Citizen's Advice came to mine when it was incorrectly removed few years ago and I had to attend a tribunal.

    An autism charity might have volunteers who can help at this stage?

    Do you have someone who can join in from your phone? Would that be allowed? 

  • Citizen's Advice came to mine when it was incorrectly removed few years ago and I had to attend a tribunal.

    An autism charity might have volunteers who can help at this stage?

    Do you have someone who can join in from your phone? Would that be allowed? 

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