Workplace adjustments

Please could I have some advice regarding workplace adjustments?

I was diagnosed earlier this year, I’ve worked in an office job for several years which suits me perfectly & I have no issues regarding my actual job.

Following my assessment I’ve had an occupational health assessment with suggestions & several meetings regarding any issues I have or anything I feel I need. The two main areas that have come up are sensory based with a request for a new chair & a desk lamp for more appropriate lighting. However I seem to be at a standstill now with nobody actually actioning these adjustments & I keep being bounced between managers with no actual resolution as I continue to struggle. Whilst the “easier” adjustments from my assessment have been made, it feels that the ones that cost money are being ignored.

Am I correct in thinking that the two things above are covered as reasonable adjustments? And therefore should legally be made where possible? I’ve been nudged to look into the access to work scheme this week which feels like yet another delay & pushes me to believe even more that this is money related. Is there a way I can approach this?

Parents Reply
  • I have looked into it more today & think this may be the best way to go for that reason! Even if the assessor can then advise that these are reasonable adjustments that they won’t cover. 

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