How do I get help as an adult

I'm a father of 5 kids. 2 of my kids are on the spectrum and I have known since I was a teenager that something isn't right with myself. I've only started realising recently that I really need help. I don't have friends anymore and I know it's my fault. I'm happy having no friends. I just need to know what is going on so I can deal with things

  • Talking about things on here might help, there's lots of people that can offer their experience and opinions. Have a read through some posts too , a lot of them might feel familiar.

    Getting a  diagnosis is probably a good thing. There's a lot of neurological conditions and mental health conditions that can mimic eachother, so knowing for certain is probably best. That way you can safely approach whatever you find.

    Private is faster, NHS apparently can have a 2 years wait these private diagnosis had a couple of months wait.

    Talk to your doctor first and make the point that you have suspicions and want to be referred to get a diagnosis, try and be firm in stating your needs otherwise there's a chance you'll be given tablets and fobbed off. 

    I made tonnes of notes before diagnosis, lists of things I found hard or upsetting , things I noticed I did a lot, things I remember happening in my life that seemed "odd" and would probably mean something to a professional. It helped me during diagnosis to have these fresh in my mind and I also think writing it all down helped me in other ways too.

    It's all a bit of a journey of self Discovery, try not to look too much at the negatives and get to know yourself, makes life a lot easier if you know who you're spending all of it with.

  • Talking about things on here might help, there's lots of people that can offer their experience and opinions. Have a read through some posts too , a lot of them might feel familiar.

    Getting a  diagnosis is probably a good thing. There's a lot of neurological conditions and mental health conditions that can mimic eachother, so knowing for certain is probably best. That way you can safely approach whatever you find.

    Private is faster, NHS apparently can have a 2 years wait these private diagnosis had a couple of months wait.

    Talk to your doctor first and make the point that you have suspicions and want to be referred to get a diagnosis, try and be firm in stating your needs otherwise there's a chance you'll be given tablets and fobbed off. 

    I made tonnes of notes before diagnosis, lists of things I found hard or upsetting , things I noticed I did a lot, things I remember happening in my life that seemed "odd" and would probably mean something to a professional. It helped me during diagnosis to have these fresh in my mind and I also think writing it all down helped me in other ways too.

    It's all a bit of a journey of self Discovery, try not to look too much at the negatives and get to know yourself, makes life a lot easier if you know who you're spending all of it with.

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