PIP appeals


Im a late diagnosed ASD, with probable (not diagnosed) ADHD

I'm trying to apply for PIP, and am at the appeals stage, and I really need some advice.

The problem is that now I've seen the DWPs reasonings, it's clear Im dealing with an organisation that is institutionally ableist. (it doesnt matter what I say I can or can't do, they are conjuring up reasons why I can) I want more than anything to call them out for this, but I know I'll get nowhere with it. 

Thanks in advance for any help

Dan sievers

  • what was their reasons then?

    i mean its pretty easy to get around... if you claim you cant walk and they say you can... prove to them you cant walk... you have to remember whatever you claim you have a burden of proof on and if true anything you claim is easily proven.

  • what was their reasons then?

    i mean its pretty easy to get around... if you claim you cant walk and they say you can... prove to them you cant walk... you have to remember whatever you claim you have a burden of proof on and if true anything you claim is easily proven.

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