Did anyone have any April Fool’s pranks done to them?

Hi another fun topic did anyone pull any April Fools jokes or did you have any done to you?
my flat mate messaged everyone one what’s app saying there was a seagull in the kitchen since we been feeding them. I thought one had got in through the window so I go to the kitchen and found a drawing of a seagull on the table with April fools written on it lol. 

  • No. One prank that I can recall is one of the Doctor Who actors on a British talk show. He said that his son likes comedy and playing jokes. To which he hid a vegtable leak in the kitchen cubaord under the sink. Then went to find his dad to say, "dad there's a leak in the kitchen".

  • No. One prank that I can recall is one of the Doctor Who actors on a British talk show. He said that his son likes comedy and playing jokes. To which he hid a vegtable leak in the kitchen cubaord under the sink. Then went to find his dad to say, "dad there's a leak in the kitchen".

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