Difficulty expressing emotions/opinions

 Hi everyone, 

I wanted to know if anyone else has the same issue, and I’d like to know if this is an autistic trait. 

firstly, a lot of people say I’m difficult to read as I don’t open up with people. I tend to ask others how they are rather than open up about how I’m feeling. My facial expressions are ones I think would fit in a conversation (default is looking like I’m concentrating!)

in conversation, I’m told I always just agree with people and nod rather than give my own opinion. My mum says I’m very ‘flat lined’ and don’t express emotion much like excitement or anger unless it’s a really strong emotion (extremely angry or extremely happy etc). Does anyone else have this? 

thanks so much in advance! 

from Ellie 

  •      I have this difficulty too and just end up asking a lot of questions, instead, to find out whats up, like a little kid with endless annoying questions. Or I become the joker and make everyone laugh.

         Odd things is, on paper, the written word, I have no trouble at all expressing myself and I have gotten feed back about that even, but speaking is another matter.

         Before I had language or could read I would rhythmically, bang things, like my little porridge spoon, or a coin against other things, like the table. It was frowned upon. I still catch myself doing a (heavily censored) version of this in person with people when excited.

  •      I have this difficulty too and just end up asking a lot of questions, instead, to find out whats up, like a little kid with endless annoying questions. Or I become the joker and make everyone laugh.

         Odd things is, on paper, the written word, I have no trouble at all expressing myself and I have gotten feed back about that even, but speaking is another matter.

         Before I had language or could read I would rhythmically, bang things, like my little porridge spoon, or a coin against other things, like the table. It was frowned upon. I still catch myself doing a (heavily censored) version of this in person with people when excited.

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